
postprocess_statistics(read_path, save_path, nums;
                        # PROCESSING OPTIONS
                        idens           = [""],     # Use this to agglomerate multiple simulations
                        to_exclude      = [],       # Exclude file names containing these words
                        cyl_axial_dir   = nothing,  # Calculate cylindrical statistics if given an axial axis (vector)
                        # OUTPUT OPTIONS
                        prompt=true, debug=false,
                        verbose=true, v_lvl=0)

Calculate statistics of the simulation VTK outputs over a given range of time steps given by nums. Use this to calculate, for instance, the mean load distribution and fluctuations on wings and rotors.

                            O           = zeros(3),     # Rotor center
                            rotor_axis  = [-1, 0, 0],   # Rotor centerline axis
                            Ftot_axis   = nothing,      # Use a different centerline axis for forces if given
                            filename    = "singlerotor_Rotor_Blade1_vlm-statistics.vtk", # File name
                            fieldsuff   = "-mean"       # Suffix of fields "Gamma" and "Ftot", if any

Read a blade VTK file filename under directory read_path and returns the circulation and force components of the load distribution along the blade.

Return: rs, Gamma, Np, Tp, Rp, Zhat, Rhat, That, Ftot
