
    Public API

    Creating an Assembly

    curve_length(start, stop, curvature)

    Calculate the length of a curve given its endpoints and its curvature vector.

    discretize_beam(L, start, discretization; frame, curvature)

    Discretize a beam of length L located at start according to the discretization provided in discretization

    Return the lengths, endpoints, midpoints, and reference frame of the beam elements.


    • L: Beam length
    • start: Beam starting point
    • discretization: Number of beam elements, or the normalized endpoints of each beam element, with values ranging from 0 to 1.

    Keyword Arguments

    • frame: Reference frame at the start of the beam element, represented by a 3x3 transformation matrix from the undeformed local frame to the body frame.
    • curvature: curvature vector
    discretize_beam(start, stop, discretization; frame, curvature)

    Discretize a beam from start to stop according to the discretization provided in discretization.

    Return the lengths, endpoints, midpoints, and reference frame of the beam elements.


    • start: Beam starting point
    • stop: Beam ending point
    • discretization: Number of beam elements, or the normalized endpoints of each beam element, with values ranging from 0 to 1.

    Keyword Arguments

    • frame: Reference frame at the start of the beam element, represented by a 3x3 transformation matrix from the undeformed local frame to the body frame.
    • curvature: curvature vector
    Assembly{TF, TP<:AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{TF}},
        TC<:AbstractVector{<:Integer}, TE<:AbstractVector{Element{TF}}}

    Composite type that defines an assembly of connected nonlinear beam elements.


    • points: Array of all beam element endpoints
    • start: Array containing point index where each beam element starts
    • stop: Array containing point index where each beam element stops
    • elements: Array containing beam element definitions (see Element)
    Assembly(points, start, stop; kwargs...)

    Construct an assembly of connected nonlinear beam elements. Beam lengths and midpoints may be manually specified in case beam elements are curved rather than straight.


    • points: Array of all beam element endpoints
    • start: Array containing point indices where each beam element starts
    • stop: Array containing point indices where each beam element stops

    Keyword Arguments

    • frames: Array of (3 x 3) tranformation matrices for each beam element. Transforms from the local undeformed beam frame to the global frame. Defaults to the identity matrix.
    • compliance: Array of (6 x 6) compliance matrices for each beam element. Defaults to zeros(6,6) for each beam element.
    • mass: Array of (6 x 6) mass matrices for each beam element. Defaults to zeros(6,6) for each beam element.
    • damping: Array of (6) structural damping coefficients for each beam element. Defaults to fill(0.01, 6) for each beam element.
    • lengths: Array containing the length of each beam element. Defaults to the distance between beam endpoints.
    • midpoints: Array containing the midpoint of each beam element. Defaults to the average of the beam element endpoints.

    Section Properties

    Material(E1, E2, E3, G12, G13, G23, nu12, nu13, nu23, rho,
        S1t=1.0, S1c=1.0, S2t=1.0, S2c=1.0, S3t=1.0, S3c=1.0, S12=1.0, S13=1.0, S23=1.0)

    Orthotropic material properties. Axis 1 is the main ply axis, axis 2 is the transverse ply axis, and axis 3 is normal to the ply. For a fiber orientation of zero, axis 1 is along the beam axis.


    • Ei::float: Young's modulus along ith axis.
    • Gij::float: Shear moduli
    • nuij::float: Poisson's ratio. $nu_ij E_j = nu_ji E_i$
    • rho::float: Density
    • Sit::float: Tensile strength in ith direction
    • Sic::float: Compressive strength in ith direction
    • Sij::float: Strength in ij direction
    Node(x, y)

    A node in the finite element mesh at location x, y. If assembled in a vector, the vector index is the node number.


    • x::float: x-location of node in global coordinate system
    • y::float: y-location of node in global coordinate system
    MeshElement(nodenum, material, theta)

    An element in the mesh, consisting of four ordered nodes, a material, and a fiber orientation.


    • nodenum::Vector{integer}: Node indices, defined counterclockwise starting from the bottom left node (as defined in the local coordinate system, see the figure).
    • material::Material: Material properties
    • theta::float: Fiber orientation
    Layer(material, t, theta)

    A layer (could be one ply or many plys of same material). A layup is a vector of layers.


    • material::Material: material of layer
    • t::float: thickness of layer
    • theta::float: fiber orientation (rad)
    afmesh(xaf, yaf, chord, twist, paxis, xbreak, webloc, segments, webs; ds=nothing, dt=nothing, ns=nothing, nt=nothing, wns=4, wnt=nothing)

    Create structural mesh for airfoil. The airfoil coordinates define the meshing density tangential to the airfoil. Whereas the number of layers defines the resolution normal to the airfoil. All segments are meshed with the same resolution in the normal direction, using the number of grid points as defined by segment with the most layers.


    • xaf, yaf::Vector{float}: points defining airfoil start at trailing edge and traverse counterclockwise back to trailing edge (can be blunt or sharp T.E.)
    • chord::float: chord length
    • twist::float: twist angle (rad)
    • paxis::float: pitch axis (normalized by chord). e.g., 0.25 means twist about quarter chord.
    • xbreak::Vector{float}: x-locations, normalized by chord, defining break points between segments. must start at 0 and end at 1. e.g., [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0] defines 4 segments.
    • webloc::Vector{float}: x-locations, normalized by chord, defining web centers (and length of vector is number of webs). e.g., [0.25, 0.55] means there is a web at 25% chord and a second web at 55% chord.
    • segments::Vector{Vector{Layer}}: A Layer defines a ply (or multiple plys with the same material/orientation). At a given x location the ply stack (segment) is defined a vector of layers starting from outside surface towards inside. Segments then is a vector of these segments that defines properties between segments as defined by xbreak.
    • webs::Vector{Vector{Layer}}: same structure as segments, except each inner vector is from left to right (although this is usually symmetric), and each outer vector is for a separate web
    • ds::float: if provided, airfoil spacing will be resampling with approximately this spacing, normalized by chord. e.g., 0.01 will have points on the airfoil roughly 1% chord apart.
    • dt::float: if provided, thickness will be resampled with this maximum mesh size (thickness is absolute). Note that the total number of cells remains constant along airfoil, so most thicknesses will be much less. e.g., 0.01 will target a maximum mesh thickness of 0.01 (absolute).
    • ns::vector{int}: if provided, rather than use a targert size ds, we specify the number of cells to use in each segment. This is desirable for gradient-based optimization, if airfoil coordinates are changed, so that during resizing operations the mesh stretch/shrinks rather than experiencing discrete jumps. For example, ns=[15, 20, 40, 30] would use 15 elements between xbreak[1] and xbreak[2] and so on.
    • nt::vector{vector{int}}: if provided, defines how many elements to use across tangential direction. Again, prefered over dt for gradient-based optimization, if the thicknesses are changed during optimization. each entry defines how many cells to put in that layer following order of original layup. for example, nt=[[1, 2, 1], [1, 3]] would use 1 element, 2 elements (subdivide), then 1 elements over first sector, and so on.
    • wns::int: discretization level for number of elements vertically along web.
    • wnt::vector{vector{int}}: same definition as nt but for the webs


    • nodes::Vector{Node{Float64}}: nodes for this mesh
    • elements::Vector{MeshElement{Float64}}: elements for this mesh
    compliance_matrix(nodes, elements; cache=initialize_cache(nodes, elements),
        gxbeam_order=true, shear_center=true)

    Compute compliance matrix given a finite element mesh described by nodes and elements.


    • nodes: Vector containing all the nodes in the mesh
    • elements: Vector containing all the elements in the mesh
    • cache::SectionCache: A pre-allocated cache which may be passed in to reduce allocations across multiple calls to this function when the number of nodes, number of elements, and connectivity remain the same.
    • gxbeam_order::Bool: Indicates whether the compliance matrix should be provided in the order expected by GXBeam (rather than the internal ordering used by the section analysis)
    • shear_center::Bool: Indicates whether the compliance matrix should be provided about the shear center


    • S::Matrix: compliance matrix
    • sc::Vector{float}: x, y location of shear center (location where a transverse/shear force will not produce any torsion, i.e., beam will not twist)
    • tc::Vector{float}: x, y location of tension center, aka elastic center, aka centroid (location where an axial force will not produce any bending, i.e., beam will remain straight)
    mass_matrix(nodes, elements)

    Compute mass matrix for the structure using GXBeam ordering.


    • M::Matrix: mass matrix
    • mc::Vector{float}: x, y location of mass center
    plotmesh(nodes, elements, pyplot; plotnumbers=false)

    plot nodes and elements for a quick visualization. Need to pass in a PyPlot object as PyPlot is not loaded by this package.

    strain_recovery(F, M, nodes, elements, cache)

    Compute stresses and strains at each element in cross section.


    • F::Vector(3): force at this cross section in x, y, z directions
    • M::Vector(3): moment at this cross section in x, y, z directions
    • nodes::Vector{Node{TF}}: all the nodes in the mesh
    • elements::Vector{MeshElement{TF}}: all the elements in the mesh
    • cache::SectionCache: needs to reuse data from the compliance solve (thus must initialize cache and pass it to both compliance and this function)


    • strain_b::Vector(6, ne): strains in beam coordinate system for each element. order: xx, yy, zz, xy, xz, yz
    • stress_b::Vector(6, ne): stresses in beam coordinate system for each element. order: xx, yy, zz, xy, xz, yz
    • strain_p::Vector(6, ne): strains in ply coordinate system for each element. order: 11, 22, 33, 12, 13, 23
    • stress_p::Vector(6, ne): stresses in ply coordinate system for each element. order: 11, 22, 33, 12, 13, 23
    plotsoln(nodes, elements, soln, pyplot)

    plot stress/strain on mesh soln could be any vector that is of length # of elements, e.g., sigma_b[3, :] Need to pass in a PyPlot object as PyPlot is not loaded by this package.

    tsai_wu(stress_p, elements)

    Tsai Wu failure criteria


    • stress_p::vector(6, ne): stresses in ply coordinate system
    • elements::Vector{MeshElement{TF}}: all the elements in the mesh


    • failure::vector(ne): tsai-wu failure criteria for each element. fails if >= 1

    Defining Point Masses


    Type which contains the aggregated inertial properties of one or more point masses which are rigidly attached to the center of an element.


    • mass: Mass matrix corresponding to the point masses.
    PointMass(m, p, I)

    Define a point mass given its mass m, offset p, and inertia matrix I


    Defining Distributed Loads


    Type which contains pre-integrated distributed forces and moments applied to a beam element.


    • f1: Integrated non-follower distributed force corresponding to the start of the beam element.
    • f2: Integrated non-follower distributed force corresponding to the end of the beam element.
    • m1: Integrated non-follower distributed moment corresponding to the start of the beam element.
    • m2: Integrated non-follower distributed moment corresponding to the end of the beam element.
    • f1_follower: Integrated follower distributed force corresponding to the start of the beam element.
    • f2_follower: Integrated follower distributed force corresponding to the end of the beam element.
    • m1_follower: Integrated follower distributed moment corresponding to the start of the beam element.
    • m2_follower: Integrated follower distributed moment corresponding to the end of the beam element.
    DistributedLoads(assembly, ielem; kwargs...)

    Pre-integrate distributed loads on a beam element for use in an analysis.


    • assembly: Beam element assembly (of type Assembly)
    • ielem: Beam element index

    Keyword Arguments

    • s1 = 0.0: Start of the beam element (used solely for integrating the distributed loads)
    • s2 = 1.0: End of the beam element (used solely for integrating the distributed loads)
    • method = (f, s1, s2) -> gauss_quadrature(f, s1, s2): Method which integrates function

    f from s1 to s2. Defaults to the Gauss-Legendre quadrature with 4 points on each element.

    • fx = (s) -> 0.0: Distributed x-direction force
    • fy = (s) -> 0.0: Distributed y-direction force
    • fz = (s) -> 0.0: Distributed z-direction force
    • mx = (s) -> 0.0: Distributed x-direction moment
    • my = (s) -> 0.0: Distributed y-direction moment
    • mz = (s) -> 0.0: Distributed z-direction moment
    • fx_follower = (s) -> 0.0: Distributed x-direction follower force
    • fy_follower = (s) -> 0.0: Distributed y-direction follower force
    • fz_follower = (s) -> 0.0: Distributed z-direction follower force
    • mx_follower = (s) -> 0.0: Distributed x-direction follower moment
    • my_follower = (s) -> 0.0: Distributed y-direction follower moment
    • mz_follower = (s) -> 0.0: Distributed z-direction follower moment

    Defining Prescribed Conditions


    Type which defines the prescribed displacements and loads at a point.


    • pd: Flag for each degree of freedom indicating whether displacements are prescribed
    • pl: Flag for each degree of freedom indicating whether loads are prescribed
    • u: Linear displacement
    • theta: Angular displacement
    • F: External forces
    • M: External moments
    • Ff: Follower forces
    • Mf: Follower moments
    PrescribedConditions(; kwargs...)

    Define the prescribed conditions at a point. Individual prescribed conditions may be assigned as either a scalar parameter or as a function of time.

    Prescribed Wiener-Milenkovic parameters must satisfy the following inequality: sqrt(thetax^2 + thetay^2 + theta_z^2) <= 4. Note that this restriction still allows all possible rotations to be represented.

    Note that if displacements and loads corresponding to the same degree of freedom are prescribed at the same point, the global body-fixed acceleration corresponding to the same degree of freedom will be modified to attempt to satisfy both conditions.

    Keyword Arguments

    • ux: Prescribed x-displacement (in the body frame)
    • uy: Prescribed y-displacement (in the body frame)
    • uz: Prescribed z-displacement (in the body frame)
    • theta_x: Prescribed first Wiener-Milenkovic parameter
    • theta_y: Prescribed second Wiener-Milenkovic parameter
    • theta_z: Prescribed third Wiener-Milenkovic parameter
    • Fx: Prescribed x-direction force
    • Fy: Prescribed y-direction force
    • Fz: Prescribed z-direction force
    • Mx: Prescribed x-direction moment
    • My: Prescribed y-direction moment
    • Mz: Prescribed z-direction moment
    • Fx_follower: Prescribed x-direction follower force
    • Fy_follower: Prescribed y-direction follower force
    • Fz_follower: Prescribed z-direction follower force
    • Mx_follower: Prescribed x-direction follower moment
    • My_follower: Prescribed y-direction follower moment
    • Mz_follower: Prescribed z-direction follower moment

    Pre-Initializing Memory for an Analysis


    Supertype for types which contain the system state, residual vector, and jacobian matrix.

    StaticSystem{TF, TV<:AbstractVector{TF}, TM<:AbstractMatrix{TF}} <: AbstractSystem

    Contains the system state, residual vector, and jacobian matrix for a static system.

    StaticSystem([TF=eltype(assembly),] assembly; kwargs...)

    Initialize an object of type StaticSystem.


    • TF:(optional) Floating point type, defaults to the floating point type of assembly
    • assembly: Assembly of rigidly connected nonlinear beam elements

    Keyword Arguments

    • force_scaling: Factor used to scale system forces/moments internally. If not specified, a suitable default will be chosen based on the entries of the beam element compliance matrices.
    DynamicSystem{TF, TV<:AbstractVector{TF}, TM<:AbstractMatrix{TF}} <: AbstractSystem

    Contains the system state, residual vector, and jacobian matrix for a dynamic system.

    DynamicSystem([TF=eltype(assembly),] assembly; kwargs...)

    Initialize an object of type DynamicSystem.


    • TF:(optional) Floating point type, defaults to the floating point type of assembly
    • assembly: Assembly of rigidly connected nonlinear beam elements

    Keyword Arguments

    • force_scaling: Factor used to scale system forces/moments internally. If not specified, a suitable default will be chosen based on the entries of the beam element compliance matrices.
    ExpandedSystem{TF, TV<:AbstractVector{TF}, TM<:AbstractMatrix{TF}} <: AbstractSystem

    Contains the system state, residual vector, and jacobian matrix for a constant mass matrix system.

    ExpandedSystem([TF=eltype(assembly),] assembly; kwargs...)

    Initialize an object of type ExpandedSystem.


    • TF:(optional) Floating point type, defaults to the floating point type of assembly
    • assembly: Assembly of rigidly connected nonlinear beam elements

    Keyword Arguments

    • force_scaling: Factor used to scale system forces/moments internally. If not specified, a suitable default will be chosen based on the entries of the beam element compliance matrices.
    set_state!([x,] system::StaticSystem, prescribed_conditions; kwargs...)

    Set the state variables in system (or in the vector x) to the provided values.

    Keyword Arguments

    • u: Vector containing the linear displacement of each point.
    • theta: Vector containing the angular displacement of each point.
    • F: Vector containing the externally applied forces acting on each point
    • M: Vector containing the externally applied moments acting on each point
    • Fi: Vector containing internal forces for each beam element
    • Mi: Vector containing internal moments for each beam element
    set_state!([x,] system::DynamicSystem, prescribed_conditions; kwargs...)

    Set the state variables in system (or in the vector x) to the provided values.

    Keyword Arguments

    • u: Vector containing the linear displacement of each point.
    • theta: Vector containing the angular displacement of each point.
    • V: Vector containing the linear velocity of each point.
    • Omega Vector containing the angular velocity of each point
    • F: Vector containing the externally applied forces acting on each point
    • M: Vector containing the externally applied moments acting on each point
    • Fi: Vector containing internal forces for each beam element (in the deformed element frame)
    • Mi: Vector containing internal moments for each beam element (in the deformed element frame)
    set_state!([x,] system::ExpandedSystem, prescribed_conditions; kwargs...)

    Set the state variables in system (or in the vector x) to the provided values.

    Keyword Arguments

    • u: Vector containing the linear displacement of each point.
    • theta: Vector containing the angular displacement of each point.
    • V: Vector containing the linear velocity of each point in the deformed point frame
    • Omega Vector containing the angular velocity of each point in the deformed point frame
    • F: Vector containing the externally applied forces acting on each point
    • M: Vector containing the externally applied moments acting on each point
    • F1: Vector containing resultant forces at the start of each beam element (in the deformed element frame)
    • M1: Vector containing resultant moments at the start of each beam element (in the deformed element frame)
    • F2: Vector containing resultant forces at the end of each beam element (in the deformed element frame)
    • M2: Vector containing resultant moments at the end of each beam element (in the deformed element frame)
    • V_e: Vector containing the linear velocity of each beam element in the deformed beam element reference frame.
    • Omega_e Vector containing the angular velocity of each beam element in the deformed beam element reference frame.
    set_state!([x=system.x,] system, assembly, state; kwargs...)

    Set the state variables in x to the values in state

    set_rate!([x=system.dx,] system, assembly, state::AssemblyState; kwargs...)

    Set the state variable rates in dx to the values in state

    set_linear_displacement!([x,] system, prescribed_conditions, u, ipoint)

    Set the state variables in system (or in the vector x) corresponding to the linear deflection of point ipoint to the provided values.

    set_angular_displacement!([x,] system, prescribed_conditions, theta, ipoint)

    Set the state variables in system (or in the vector x) corresponding to the angular deflection of point ipoint to the provided values.

    set_external_forces!([x,] system, prescribed_conditions, F, ipoint)

    Set the state variables in system (or in the vector x) corresponding to the external forces applied at point ipoint to the provided values.

    set_external_moments!([x,] system, prescribed_conditions, M, ipoint)

    Set the state variables in system (or in the vector x) corresponding to the external moments applied at point ipoint to the provided values.

    set_linear_velocity!([x,] system, V, ipoint)

    Set the state variables in system (or in the vector x) corresponding to the linear velocity of point ipoint to the provided values.

    set_angular_velocity!([x,] system, Omega, ipoint)

    Set the state variables in system (or in the vector x) corresponding to the angular velocity of point ipoint to the provided values.

    set_internal_forces!([x,] system::Union{StaticSystem,DynamicSystem}, Fi, ielem)

    Set the state variables in system (or in the vector x) corresponding to the internal forces of element ielem to the provided values.

    set_internal_moments!([x,] system::Union{StaticSystem, DynamicSystem}, Mi, ielem)

    Set the state variables in system (or in the vector x) corresponding to the internal moments of element ielem to the provided values.

    set_start_forces!([x,] system, F1, ielem)

    Set the state variables in system (or in the vector x) corresponding to the resultant forces at the start of element ielem to the provided values.

    set_start_moments!([x,] system, M1, ielem)

    Set the state variables in system (or in the vector x) corresponding to the resultant moments at the start of element ielem to the provided values.

    set_end_forces!([x,] system, F2, ielem)

    Set the state variables in system (or in the vector x) corresponding to the resultant forces at the end of element ielem to the provided values.

    set_end_moments!([x,] system, M2, ielem)

    Set the state variables in system (or in the vector x) corresponding to the resultant moments at the end of element ielem to the provided values.

    set_point_linear_velocity!([x,] system::ExpandedSystem, V, ipoint)

    Set the state variables in system (or in the vector x) corresponding to the linear velocity of point ipoint to the provided values.

    set_point_angular_velocity!([x,] system::ExpandedSystem, Omega, ipoint)

    Set the state variables in system (or in the vector x) corresponding to the angular velocity of point ipoint to the provided values.

    set_element_linear_velocity!([x,] system::ExpandedSystem, V, ielem)

    Set the state variables in system (or in the vector x) corresponding to the linear velocity of beam element ielem to the provided values.

    set_element_angular_velocity!([x,] system::ExpandedSystem, Omega, ielem)

    Set the state variables in system (or in the vector x) corresponding to the angular velocity of element ielem to the provided values.


    Performing an Analysis

    static_analysis(assembly; kwargs...)

    Perform a static analysis for the system of nonlinear beams contained in assembly. Return the resulting system, the post-processed solution, and a convergence flag indicating whether the iteration procedure converged.

    General Keyword Arguments

    • prescribed_conditions = Dict{Int,PrescribedConditions{Float64}}(): A dictionary with keys corresponding to the points at which prescribed conditions are applied and values of type PrescribedConditions which describe the prescribed conditions at those points. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • distributed_loads = Dict{Int,DistributedLoads{Float64}}(): A dictionary with keys corresponding to the elements to which distributed loads are applied and values of type DistributedLoads which describe the distributed loads on those elements. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • point_masses = Dict{Int,PointMass{Float64}}(): A dictionary with keys corresponding to the points to which point masses are attached and values of type PointMass which contain the properties of the attached point masses. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • gravity = [0,0,0]: Gravity vector. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • time = 0.0: Current time or vector of times corresponding to each step. May be used in conjunction with time varying prescribed conditions, distributed loads, and body frame motion to gradually increase displacements and loads.

    Control Flag Keyword Arguments

    • reset_state = true: Flag indicating whether the system state variables should be set to zero prior to performing this analysis.
    • initial_state = nothing: Object of type AssemblyState which contains the initial state variables. If not provided (or set to nothing), then the state variables stored in system (which default to zeros) will be used as the initial state variables.
    • linear = false: Flag indicating whether a linear analysis should be performed.
    • two_dimensional = false: Flag indicating whether to constrain results to the x-y plane
    • show_trace = false: Flag indicating whether to display the solution progress.

    Linear Analysis Keyword Arguments

    • update_linearization = false: Flag indicating whether to update the linearization state variables for a linear analysis with the instantaneous state variables. If false, then the initial set of state variables will be used for the linearization.

    Nonlinear Analysis Keyword Arguments (see NLsolve.jl)

    • method = :newton: Solution method for nonlinear systems of equations
    • linesearch = LineSearches.BackTracking(maxstep=1e6): Line search for solving nonlinear systems of equations
    • ftol = 1e-9: Tolerance for solving the nonlinear system of equations
    • iterations = 1000: Iteration limit when solving nonlinear systems of equations

    Sensitivity Analysis Keyword Arguments

    • xpfunc = (x, p, t) -> (;): Similar to pfunc, except that parameters can also be defined as a function of GXBeam's state variables. Using this function forces the system jacobian to be computed using automatic differentiation and switches the nonlinear solver to a Newton-Krylov solver (with linesearch).
    • pfunc = (p, t) -> (;): Function which returns a named tuple with fields corresponding to updated versions of the arguments assembly, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads, point_masses, and gravity. Only fields contained in the resulting named tuple will be overwritten.
    • p: Sensitivity parameters, as defined in conjunction with the keyword argument pfunc. While not necessary, using pfunc and p to define the arguments to this function allows automatic differentiation sensitivities to be computed more efficiently
    steady_state_analysis(assembly; kwargs...)

    Perform a steady-state analysis for the system of nonlinear beams contained in assembly. Return the resulting system and a flag indicating whether the iteration procedure converged.

    General Keyword Arguments

    • prescribed_conditions = Dict{Int,PrescribedConditions{Float64}}(): A dictionary with keys corresponding to the points at which prescribed conditions are applied and values of type PrescribedConditions which describe the prescribed conditions at those points. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • distributed_loads = Dict{Int,DistributedLoads{Float64}}(): A dictionary with keys corresponding to the elements to which distributed loads are applied and values of type DistributedLoads which describe the distributed loads on those elements. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • point_masses = Dict{Int,PointMass{Float64}}(): A dictionary with keys corresponding to the points to which point masses are attached and values of type PointMass which contain the properties of the attached point masses. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • linear_velocity = zeros(3): Prescribed linear velocity of the body frame. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • angular_velocity = zeros(3): Prescribed angular velocity of the body frame. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • linear_acceleration = zeros(3): Prescribed linear acceleration of the body frame. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • angular_acceleration = zeros(3): Prescribed angular acceleration of the body frame. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • gravity = [0,0,0]: Gravity vector in the body frame. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • time = 0.0: Current time or vector of times corresponding to each step. May be used in conjunction with time varying prescribed conditions, distributed loads, and body frame motion to gradually increase displacements and loads.

    Control Flag Keyword Arguments

    • reset_state = true: Flag indicating whether the system state variables should be set to zero prior to performing this analysis.
    • initial_state = nothing: Object of type AssemblyState which contains the initial state variables. If not provided (or set to nothing), then the state variables stored in system (which default to zeros) will be used as the initial state variables.
    • structural_damping = false: Indicates whether to enable structural damping
    • linear = false: Flag indicating whether a linear analysis should be performed.
    • two_dimensional = false: Flag indicating whether to constrain results to the x-y plane
    • show_trace = false: Flag indicating whether to display the solution progress.

    Linear Analysis Keyword Arguments

    • update_linearization = false: Flag indicating whether to update the linearization state variables for a linear analysis with the instantaneous state variables. If false, then the initial set of state variables will be used for the linearization.

    Nonlinear Analysis Keyword Arguments

    • method = :newton: Method (as defined in NLsolve) to solve nonlinear system of equations
    • linesearch = LineSearches.BackTracking(maxstep=1e6): Line search used to solve the nonlinear system of equations
    • ftol = 1e-9: tolerance for solving the nonlinear system of equations
    • iterations = 1000: maximum iterations for solving the nonlinear system of equations=

    Sensitivity Analysis Keyword Arguments

    • xpfunc = (x, p, t) -> (;): Similar to pfunc, except that parameters can also be defined as a function of GXBeam's state variables. Using this function forces the system jacobian to be computed using automatic differentiation and switches the nonlinear solver to a Newton-Krylov solver (with linesearch).
    • pfunc = (p, t) -> (;): Function which returns a named tuple with fields corresponding to updated versions of the arguments assembly, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads, point_masses, linear_velocity, angular_velocity, linear_acceleration, angular_acceleration, and gravity. Only fields contained in the resulting named tuple will be overwritten.
    • p: Sensitivity parameters, as defined in conjunction with the keyword argument pfunc. While not necessary, using pfunc and p to define the arguments to this function allows automatic differentiation sensitivities to be computed more efficiently
    eigenvalue_analysis(assembly; kwargs...)

    Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the system of nonlinear beams contained in assembly. Return the modified system, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and a convergence flag indicating whether the corresponding steady-state analysis converged.

    General Keyword Arguments

    • prescribed_conditions = Dict{Int,PrescribedConditions{Float64}}(): A dictionary with keys corresponding to the points at which prescribed conditions are applied and values of type PrescribedConditions which describe the prescribed conditions at those points. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • distributed_loads = Dict{Int,DistributedLoads{Float64}}(): A dictionary with keys corresponding to the elements to which distributed loads are applied and values of type DistributedLoads which describe the distributed loads on those elements. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • point_masses = Dict{Int,PointMass{Float64}}(): A dictionary with keys corresponding to the points to which point masses are attached and values of type PointMass which contain the properties of the attached point masses. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • linear_velocity = zeros(3): Prescribed linear velocity of the body frame. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • angular_velocity = zeros(3): Prescribed angular velocity of the body frame. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • linear_acceleration = zeros(3): Prescribed linear acceleration of the body frame. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • angular_acceleration = zeros(3): Prescribed angular acceleration of the body frame. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • gravity = [0,0,0]: Gravity vector in the inertial frame. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • time = 0.0: Current time or vector of times corresponding to each step. May be used in conjunction with time varying prescribed conditions, distributed loads, and body frame motion to gradually increase displacements and loads.

    Control Flag Keyword Arguments

    • reset_state = true: Flag indicating whether the system state variables should be set to zero prior to performing this analysis.
    • initial_state = nothing: Object of type AssemblyState which contains the initial state variables. If not provided (or set to nothing), then the state variables stored in system (which default to zeros) will be used as the initial state variables.
    • structural_damping = false: Indicates whether to enable structural damping
    • linear = false: Flag indicating whether a linear analysis should be performed.
    • two_dimensional = false: Flag indicating whether to constrain results to the x-y plane
    • show_trace = false: Flag indicating whether to display the solution progress.

    Linear Analysis Keyword Arguments

    • update_linearization = false: Flag indicating whether to update the linearization state variables for a linear analysis with the instantaneous state variables. If false, then the initial set of state variables will be used for the linearization.

    Nonlinear Analysis Keyword Arguments

    • method = :newton: Method (as defined in NLsolve) to solve nonlinear system of equations
    • linesearch = LineSearches.LineSearches.BackTracking(maxstep=1e6): Line search used to solve the nonlinear system of equations
    • ftol = 1e-9: tolerance for solving the nonlinear system of equations
    • iterations = 1000: maximum iterations for solving the nonlinear system of equations

    Sensitivity Analysis Keyword Arguments

    • xpfunc = (x, p, t) -> (;): Similar to pfunc, except that parameters can also be defined as a function of GXBeam's state variables. Using this function forces the system jacobian to be computed using automatic differentiation and switches the nonlinear solver to a Newton-Krylov solver (with linesearch).
    • pfunc = (p, t) -> (;): Function which returns a named tuple with fields corresponding to updated versions of the arguments assembly, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads, point_masses, linear_velocity, angular_velocity, linear_acceleration, angular_acceleration, and gravity. Only fields contained in the resulting named tuple will be overwritten.
    • p: Sensitivity parameters, as defined in conjunction with the keyword argument pfunc. While not necessary, using pfunc and p to define the arguments to this function allows automatic differentiation sensitivities to be computed more efficiently

    Eigenvalue Analysis Keyword Arguments

    • nev = 6: Number of eigenvalues to compute
    • steady = reset_state && !linear: Flag indicating whether the steady state solution should be found prior to performing the eigenvalue analysis.
    • left = false: Flag indicating whether to return left and right eigenvectors rather than just right eigenvectors.
    • Uprev = nothing: Previous left eigenvector matrix. May be provided in order to reorder eigenvalues based on results from a previous iteration.
    initial_condition_analysis(assembly, t0; kwargs...)

    Perform an analysis to obtain a consistent set of initial conditions. Return the resulting system and a flag indicating whether the iteration procedure converged.

    General Keyword Arguments

    • prescribed_conditions = Dict{Int,PrescribedConditions{Float64}}(): A dictionary with keys corresponding to the points at which prescribed conditions are applied and values of type PrescribedConditions which describe the prescribed conditions at those points. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • distributed_loads = Dict{Int,DistributedLoads{Float64}}(): A dictionary with keys corresponding to the elements to which distributed loads are applied and values of type DistributedLoads which describe the distributed loads on those elements. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • point_masses = Dict{Int,PointMass{Float64}}(): A dictionary with keys corresponding to the points to which point masses are attached and values of type PointMass which contain the properties of the attached point masses. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • linear_velocity = zeros(3): Initial linear velocity of the body frame.
    • angular_velocity = zeros(3): Initial angular velocity of the body frame.
    • linear_acceleration = zeros(3): Initial linear acceleration of the body frame.
    • angular_acceleration = zeros(3): Initial angular acceleration of the body frame.
    • gravity = [0,0,0]: Gravity vector in the inertial frame.

    Control Flag Keyword Arguments

    • reset_state = true: Flag indicating whether the system state variables should be set to zero prior to performing this analysis.
    • initial_state = nothing: Object of type AssemblyState which contains the initial state variables. If not provided (or set to nothing), then the state variables stored in system (which default to zeros) will be used as the initial state variables.
    • structural_damping = true: Indicates whether to enable structural damping
    • linear = false: Flag indicating whether a linear analysis should be performed.
    • two_dimensional = false: Flag indicating whether to constrain results to the x-y plane
    • steady_state=false: Flag indicating whether to initialize by performing a steady state analysis.
    • show_trace = false: Flag indicating whether to display the solution progress.

    Initial Condition Analysis Keyword Arguments

    • u0 = fill(zeros(3), length(assembly.points)): Initial linear displacement of each point relative to the body frame
    • theta0 = fill(zeros(3), length(assembly.points)): Initial angular displacement of each point relative to the body frame (using Wiener-Milenkovic Parameters)
    • V0 = fill(zeros(3), length(assembly.points)): Initial linear velocity of each point relative to the body frame
    • Omega0 = fill(zeros(3), length(assembly.points)): Initial angular velocity of each point relative to the body frame
    • Vdot0 = fill(zeros(3), length(assembly.points)): Initial linear acceleration of each point relative to the body frame
    • Omegadot0 = fill(zeros(3), length(assembly.points)): Initial angular acceleration of each point relative to the body frame

    Linear Analysis Keyword Arguments

    • update_linearization = false: Flag indicating whether to update the linearization state variables for a linear analysis with the instantaneous state variables. If false, then the initial set of state variables will be used for the linearization.

    Nonlinear Analysis Keyword Arguments

    • method = :newton: Method (as defined in NLsolve) to solve nonlinear system of equations
    • linesearch = LineSearches.BackTracking(maxstep=1e6): Line search used to solve the nonlinear system of equations
    • ftol = 1e-9: tolerance for solving the nonlinear system of equations
    • iterations = 1000: maximum iterations for solving the nonlinear system of equations

    Sensitivity Analysis Keyword Arguments

    • xpfunc = (x, p, t) -> (;): Similar to pfunc, except that parameters can also be defined as a function of GXBeam's state variables. Using this function forces the system jacobian to be computed using automatic differentiation and switches the nonlinear solver to a Newton-Krylov solver (with linesearch).
    • pfunc = (p, t) -> (;): Function which returns a named tuple with fields corresponding to updated versions of the arguments assembly, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads, point_masses, linear_velocity, angular_velocity, linear_acceleration, angular_acceleration, gravity, u0, theta0, V0, Omega0, Vdot0, and Omegadot0. Only fields contained in the resulting named tuple will be overwritten.
    • p: Sensitivity parameters, as defined in conjunction with the keyword argument pfunc. While not necessary, using pfunc and p to define the arguments to this function allows automatic differentiation sensitivities to be computed more efficiently
    time_domain_analysis(assembly, tvec; kwargs...)

    Perform a time-domain analysis for the system of nonlinear beams contained in assembly using the time vector tvec. Return the final system, a post-processed solution history, and a convergence flag indicating whether the iteration procedure converged for every time step.

    General Keyword Arguments

    • prescribed_conditions = Dict{Int,PrescribedConditions{Float64}}(): A dictionary with keys corresponding to the points at which prescribed conditions are applied and values of type PrescribedConditions which describe the prescribed conditions at those points. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • distributed_loads = Dict{Int,DistributedLoads{Float64}}(): A dictionary with keys corresponding to the elements to which distributed loads are applied and values of type DistributedLoads which describe the distributed loads on those elements. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • point_masses = Dict{Int,PointMass{Float64}}(): A dictionary with keys corresponding to the points to which point masses are attached and values of type PointMass which contain the properties of the attached point masses. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • linear_velocity = zeros(3): Prescribed linear velocity of the body frame.
    • angular_velocity = zeros(3): Prescribed angular velocity of the body frame.
    • linear_acceleration = zeros(3): Initial linear acceleration of the body frame.
    • angular_acceleration = zeros(3): Initial angular acceleration of the body frame.
    • gravity = [0,0,0]: Gravity vector in the body frame. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.

    Control Flag Keyword Arguments

    • reset_state = true: Flag indicating whether the system state variables should be set to zero prior to performing this analysis.
    • initial_state = nothing: Object of type AssemblyState, which defines the initial states and state rates corresponding to the analysis. By default, this input is calculated using either steady_state_analysis or initial_condition_analysis.
    • steady_state = false: Flag indicating whether to compute the state variables corresponding to the keyword argument initial_state using steady_state_analysis (rather than initial_condition_analysis).
    • structural_damping = true: Flag indicating whether to enable structural damping
    • linear = false: Flag indicating whether a linear analysis should be performed.
    • two_dimensional = false: Flag indicating whether to constrain results to the x-y plane
    • show_trace = false: Flag indicating whether to display the solution progress.
    • save = eachindex(tvec): Steps at which to save the time history

    Initial Condition Analysis Arguments

    • u0 = fill(zeros(3), length(assembly.points)): Initial linear displacement of each point in the body frame
    • theta0 = fill(zeros(3), length(assembly.points)): Initial angular displacement of each point in the body frame (using Wiener-Milenkovic Parameters)
    • V0 = fill(zeros(3), length(assembly.points)): Initial linear velocity of each point in the body frame excluding contributions from body frame motion
    • Omega0 = fill(zeros(3), length(assembly.points)): Initial angular velocity of each point in the body frame excluding contributions from body frame motion
    • Vdot0 = fill(zeros(3), length(assembly.points)): Initial linear acceleration of each point in the body frame excluding contributions from body frame motion
    • Omegadot0 = fill(zeros(3), length(assembly.points)): Initial angular acceleration of each point in the body frame excluding contributions from body frame motion

    Linear Analysis Keyword Arguments

    • update_linearization = false: Flag indicating whether to update the linearization state variables for a linear analysis with the instantaneous state variables. If false, then the initial set of state variables will be used for the linearization.

    Nonlinear Analysis Keyword Arguments

    • method = :newton: Method (as defined in NLsolve) to solve nonlinear system of equations
    • linesearch = LineSearches.BackTracking(maxstep=1e6): Line search used to solve nonlinear systems of equations
    • ftol = 1e-9: tolerance for solving the nonlinear system of equations
    • iterations = 1000: maximum iterations for solving the nonlinear system of equations

    Sensitivity Analysis Keyword Arguments

    • xpfunc = (x, p, t) -> (;): Similar to pfunc, except that parameters can also be defined as a function of GXBeam's state variables. Using this function forces the system jacobian to be computed using automatic differentiation and switches the nonlinear solver to a Newton-Krylov solver (with linesearch).
    • pfunc = (p, t) -> (;): Function which returns a named tuple with fields corresponding to updated versions of the arguments assembly, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads, point_masses, linear_velocity, angular_velocity, linear_acceleration, angular_acceleration, gravity, u0, theta0, V0, Omega0, Vdot0, and Omegadot0. Only fields contained in the resulting named tuple will be overwritten.
    • p: Sensitivity parameters, as defined in conjunction with the keyword argument pfunc. While not necessary, using pfunc and p to define the arguments to this function allows automatic differentiation sensitivities to be computed more efficiently


    AssemblyState{TF, TP<:AbstractVector{PointState{TF}}, TE<:AbstractVector{ElementState{TF}}}

    Struct for storing state variables for the points and elements in an assembly.


    • points::TP: Array of PointState for each point in the assembly
    • elements::TE: Array of ElementState for each element in the assembly

    Holds the state variables for a point


    • u: Linear displacement
    • udot: Linear displacement rate
    • theta: Angular displacement (Wiener-Milenkovic parameters)
    • thetadot: Angular displacement rate
    • V: Linear velocity
    • Vdot: Linear velocity rate
    • Omega: Angular velocity
    • Omegadot: Angular velocity rate
    • F: External forces
    • M: External moments

    Holds the state variables for an element


    • u: Linear displacement
    • udot: Linear displacement rate
    • theta: Angular displacement (Wiener-Milenkovic parameters)
    • thetadot: Angular displacement rate
    • V: Linear velocity
    • Vdot: Linear velocity rate
    • Omega: Angular velocity
    • Omegadot: Angular velocity rate
    • Fi: Internal forces
    • Mi: Internal moments
    AssemblyState(system, assembly; prescribed_conditions = Dict())
    AssemblyState(x, system, assembly; prescribed_conditions = Dict())
    AssemblyState(dx, x, system, assembly; prescribed_conditions = Dict())

    Post-process the system state given the state vector x and rate vector dx. Return an object of type AssemblyState that defines the state of the assembly for the time step.

    If prescribed_conditions is not provided, all point state variables are assumed to be displacements/rotations, rather than their actual identities as used in the analysis.

    extract_element_state(system, assembly, ielem; prescribed_conditions = Dict())
    extract_element_state(x, system, assembly, ielem; prescribed_conditions = Dict())
    extract_element_state(dx, x, system, assembly, ielem; prescribed_conditions = Dict())

    Return the state variables corresponding to element ielem (see ElementState) given the state vector x and rate vector dx.

    extract_element_states(system, assembly, x = system.x, dx = system.dx;
        prescribed_conditions = Dict{Int,PrescribedConditions{Float64}}())

    Return the state variables corresponding to each element (see ElementState) given the solution vector x.

    extract_point_state(system, assembly, ipoint; prescribed_conditions = Dict())
    extract_point_state(x, system, assembly, ipoint; prescribed_conditions = Dict())
    extract_point_state(dx, x, system, assembly, ipoint; prescribed_conditions = Dict())

    Return the state variables corresponding to point ipoint (see PointState) given the state vector x and rate vector dx.

    If prescribed_conditions is not provided, all point state variables are assumed to be displacements/rotations, rather than their actual identities as used in the analysis.

    extract_point_states(system, assembly; prescribed_conditions = Dict())
    extract_point_states(x, system, assembly; prescribed_conditions = Dict())
    extract_point_states(dx, x, system, assembly; prescribed_conditions = Dict())

    Return the state variables corresponding to each point (see PointState) given the state vector x and rate vector dx.

    If prescribed_conditions is not provided, all point state variables are assumed to be displacements/rotations, rather than their actual identities as used in the analysis.

    linearize!(system, assembly; kwargs...)

    Return the state variables, jacobian matrix, and mass matrix of a linearized system using the current system state vector.

    General Keyword Arguments

    • prescribed_conditions = Dict{Int,PrescribedConditions{Float64}}(): A dictionary with keys corresponding to the points at which prescribed conditions are applied and values of type PrescribedConditions which describe the prescribed conditions at those points. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • distributed_loads = Dict{Int,DistributedLoads{Float64}}(): A dictionary with keys corresponding to the elements to which distributed loads are applied and values of type DistributedLoads which describe the distributed loads on those elements. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • point_masses = Dict{Int,PointMass{Float64}}(): A dictionary with keys corresponding to the points to which point masses are attached and values of type PointMass which contain the properties of the attached point masses. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • linear_velocity = zeros(3): Prescribed linear velocity of the body frame. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • angular_velocity = zeros(3): Prescribed angular velocity of the body frame. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • linear_acceleration = zeros(3): Prescribed linear acceleration of the body frame. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • angular_acceleration = zeros(3): Prescribed angular acceleration of the body frame. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • gravity = [0,0,0]: Gravity vector in the inertial frame. If time varying, this input may be provided as a function of time.
    • time = 0.0: Current time or vector of times corresponding to each step. May be used in conjunction with time varying prescribed conditions, distributed loads, and body frame motion to gradually increase displacements and loads.

    Control Flag Keyword Arguments

    • reset_state = true: Flag indicating whether the system state variables should be set to zero prior to performing this analysis.
    • initial_state = nothing: Object of type AssemblyState which contains the initial state variables. If not provided (or set to nothing), then the state variables stored in system (which default to zeros) will be used as the initial state variables.
    • structural_damping = false: Indicates whether to enable structural damping
    • linear = false: Flag indicating whether a linear analysis should be performed.
    • two_dimensional = false: Flag indicating whether to constrain results to the x-y plane
    • show_trace = false: Flag indicating whether to display the solution progress.

    Sensitivity Analysis Keyword Arguments

    • xpfunc = (x, p, t) -> (;): Similar to pfunc, except that parameters can also be defined as a function of GXBeam's state variables. Using this function forces the system jacobian to be computed using automatic differentiation and switches the nonlinear solver to a Newton-Krylov solver (with linesearch).
    • pfunc = (p, t) -> (;): Function which returns a named tuple with fields corresponding to updated versions of the arguments assembly, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads, point_masses, linear_velocity, angular_velocity, linear_acceleration, angular_acceleration, and gravity. Only fields contained in the resulting named tuple will be overwritten.
    • p: Sensitivity parameters, as defined in conjunction with the keyword argument pfunc. While not necessary, using pfunc and p to define the arguments to this function allows automatic differentiation sensitivities to be computed more efficiently
    left_eigenvectors(system, λ, V)
    left_eigenvectors(K, M, λ, V)

    Compute the left eigenvector matrix U for the system using inverse power iteration given the eigenvalues λ and the corresponding right eigenvector matrix V.

    The complex conjugate of each left eigenvector is stored in each row of the matrix U

    Left and right eigenvectors satisfy the following M-orthogonality condition:

    • u'Mv = 1 if u and v correspond to the same eigenvalue
    • u'Mv = 0 if u and v correspond to different eigenvalues

    This means that UMV = I

    This function assumes that system has not been modified since the eigenvalues and right eigenvectors were computed.


    Return the permutation and the associated corruption index vector which associates eigenmodes from the current iteration with those of the previous iteration given the correlation matrix C.

    The correlation matrix can take one of the following forms (in order of preference):

    • C = U_p*M*V
    • C = U*M_p*V_p
    • C = V_p'*V
    • C = V'*V_p

    where U is a matrix of conjugated left eigenvectors, M is the system mass matrix, V is a matrix of right eigenvectors, and ()_p indicates a variable from the previous iteration.

    Note that the following two forms of the correlation matrix seem to be significantly inferior to their counterparts listed above: C = U*M*V_p and C = U_p*M_p*V. This is likely due to the way in which the left eigenvector matrix is calculated.

    The corruption index is the largest magnitude in a given row of C that was not chosen divided by the magnitude of the chosen eigenmode. It is most meaningful when using one of the forms of the correlation matrix that uses left eigenvectors since correct eigenmodes will have magnitudes close to 1 and incorrect eigenmodes will have magnitudes close to 0.

    If the new mode number is already assigned, the next highest unassigned mode number is used. In this case a corruption index higher than 1 will be returned, otherwise the values of the corruption index will always be bounded by 0 and 1.

    See "New Mode Tracking Methods in Aeroelastic Analysis" by Eldred, Vankayya, and Anderson.


    Construct a Wiener-Milenkovic transformation matrix, given the three Wiener-Milenkovic parameters in c.

    Note that the corresponding rotation matrix is the transpose of this transformation matrix.

    rotate(xyz, r, theta)

    Rotate the vectors in xyz about point r using the Wiener-Milenkovic parameters in theta.

    deform_cross_section(xyz, r, u, theta)

    Rotate the points in xyz (of shape (3, :)) about point r using the Wiener-Milenkovic parameters in theta, then translate the points by the displacements in u.

    write_vtk(name, assembly::Assembly; kwargs...)
    write_vtk(name, assembly::Assembly, state::AssemblyState; kwargs...)
    write_vtk(name, assembly::Assembly, history::Vector{<:AssemblyState}], dt;

    Write the deformed geometry (and associated data) to a VTK file for visualization using ParaView.

    The state argument may be omitted to write the original geometry to a VTK file without any associated data.

    If the solution time history is provided, the time step must also be provided

    Keyword Arguments

    • sections = nothing: Cross section geometry corresponding to each point, defined in a frame aligned with the body frame but centered around the corresponding point. Defined as an array with shape (3, ncross, np) where ncross is the number of points in each cross section and np is the number of points.
    • scaling=1.0: Parameter to scale the deflections (only valid if state is provided)
    • metadata=Dict(): Dictionary of metadata for the file(s)
    write_vtk(name, assembly::Assembly, [state::AssemblyState, ]λ::Number,
        eigenstate::AssemblyState; scaling=1.0, mode_scaling=1.0, cycles=1,

    Write a series of files corresponding to the elastic motion of the assembly about the deformed state encoded in state defined by the eigenvalue λ and the eigenvector encoded in eigenstate over the time period specified by time.

    The steady-state deflections can be scaled with scaling and the eigenmode deflections can be scaled using mode_scaling.

    The current time is encoded in the metadata tag "time"


    Private API



    Extract a scaling parameter which may be multiplied by the angular parameters to yield the Wiener-Milenkovic rotation parameters. Use of this scaling parameter allows deflections greater than 360 degrees.


    Returns the transformation matrix C given the three angular parameters in θ.

    get_C_θ([C, ] θ)

    Calculate the derivative of the Wiener-Milenkovic transformation matrix C with respect to each of the rotation parameters in θ.


    Calculate the matrix Q as defined in the paper "Geometrically nonlinear analysis of composite beams using Wiener-Milenković parameters" by Qi Wang and Wenbin Yu given the rotational parameters in θ.

    get_Q_θ(Q, θ)

    Calculate the derivative of the matrix Q with respect to each of the rotation parameters in θ.


    Calculate the matrix inverse Qinv as defined in the paper "Geometrically nonlinear analysis of composite beams using Wiener-Milenković parameters" by Qi Wang and Wenbin Yu given the rotational parameters in θ.


    Calculate the derivative of the matrix inverse Qinv with respect to each of the rotation parameters in θ.

    get_ΔQ(θ, Δθ [, Q])

    Calculate the matrix ΔQ for structural damping calculations

    get_ΔQ_θ(θ, Δθ, [Q, Q_θ1, Q_θ2, Q_θ3])

    Calculate the derivative of the matrix ΔQ with respect to each of the rotation parameters in θ.

    mul3(A_1, A_2, A_3, b)

    Return the product of a 3x3x3 tensor represented by A_1, A_2, and A_3 with the vector b.


    Body Frame

    update_body_acceleration_indices!(system, prescribed_conditions)
    update_body_acceleration_indices!(indices, prescribed_conditions)

    Updates the state variable indices corresponding to the body frame accelerations to correspond to the provided prescribed conditions.

    body_accelerations(system, x=system.x; linear_acceleration=zeros(3), angular_acceleration=zeros(3))

    Extract the linear and angular acceleration of the body frame from the state vector, if applicable. Otherwise return the provided linear and angular acceleration. This function is applicable only for steady state and initial condition analyses.



    point_loads(x, ipoint, icol, force_scaling, prescribed_conditions)

    Extract the loads F and M of point ipoint from the state variable vector or prescribed conditions.

    point_load_jacobians(x, ipoint, icol, force_scaling, prescribed_conditions)

    Calculate the load jacobians F_θ, F_F, M_θ, and M_M of point ipoint.

    point_displacement(x, ipoint, icol_point, prescribed_conditions)

    Extract the displacements u and θ of point ipoint from the state variable vector or prescribed conditions.

    point_displacement_rates(dx, ipoint, icol, prescribed_conditions)

    Extract the displacement rates udot and θdot of point ipoint from the rate variable vector.

    point_velocities(x, ipoint, icol_point)

    Extract the velocities V and Ω of point ipoint from the state variable vector

    initial_point_displacement(x, ipoint, icol_point, prescribed_conditions,

    Extract the displacements u and θ of point ipoint from the state variable vector or prescribed conditions for an initial condition analysis.

    initial_point_velocity_rates(x, ipoint, icol_point, prescribed_conditions,
        Vdot0, Ωdot0, rate_vars)

    Extract the velocity rates Vdot and Ωdot of point ipoint from the state variable vector or provided initial conditions. Note that Vdot and Ωdot in this case do not include any contributions resulting from body frame motion.

    initial_point_displacement_jacobian(ipoint, icol_point, prescribed_conditions,

    Extract the displacement jacobians u_u and θ_θ of point ipoint from the state variable vector or prescribed conditions for an initial condition analysis.

    initial_point_velocity_rate_jacobian(ipoint, icol_point, prescribed_conditions,

    Return the velocity rate jacobians Vdot_Vdot and Ωdot_Ωdot of point ipoint. Note that Vdot and Ωdot in this case do not include any contributions resulting from body frame motion.

    static_point_properties(x, indices, force_scaling, assembly, ipoint,
        prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity)

    Calculate/extract the point properties needed to construct the residual for a static analysis

    steady_point_properties(x, indices, force_scaling, assembly, ipoint,
        prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity,
        linear_acceleration=(@SVector zeros(3)), angular_acceleration=(@SVector zeros(3)))

    Calculate/extract the point properties needed to construct the residual for a steady state analysis

    initial_point_properties(x, indices, rate_vars, force_scaling,
        assembly, ipoint, prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity,
        linear_velocity, angular_velocity, linear_acceleration, angular_acceleration,
        u0, θ0, V0, Ω0, Vdot0, Ωdot0)

    Calculate/extract the point properties needed to construct the residual for a time domain analysis initialization.

    newmark_point_properties(x, indices, force_scaling, assembly, ipoint,
        prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity,
        udot_init, θdot_init, Vdot_init, Ωdot_init, dt)

    Calculate/extract the point properties needed to construct the residual for a newmark-scheme time stepping analysis

    dynamic_point_properties(dx, x, indices, force_scaling, assembly, ipoint,
        prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity)

    Calculate/extract the point properties needed to construct the residual for a dynamic analysis

    expanded_steady_point_properties(x, indices, force_scaling, assembly, ipoint,
        prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity,
        linear_acceleration=(@SVector zeros(3)), angular_acceleration=(@SVector zeros(3)))

    Calculate/extract the point properties needed to construct the residual for a constant mass matrix system.

    expanded_dynamic_point_properties(dx, x, indices, force_scaling, assembly,
        ipoint, prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity, linear_velocity,

    Calculate/extract the point properties needed to construct the residual for a constant mass matrix system.

    static_point_residual!(resid, x, indices, force_scaling, assembly, ipoint,
        prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity)

    Calculate and insert the residual entries corresponding to a point for a static analysis into the system residual vector.

    steady_point_residual!(resid, x, indices, force_scaling, assembly, ipoint,
        prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity,
        linear_acceleration, angular_acceleration)

    Calculate and insert the residual entries corresponding to a point for a steady state analysis into the system residual vector.

    initial_point_residual!(resid, x, indices, rate_vars,
        force_scaling, assembly, ipoint, prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity,
        linear_velocity, angular_velocity, linear_acceleration, angular_acceleration,
        u0, θ0, V0, Ω0, Vdot0, Ωdot0)

    Calculate and insert the residual entries corresponding to a point for the initialization of a time domain analysis into the system residual vector.

    newmark_point_residual!(resid, x, indices, force_scaling, assembly, ipoint,
        prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity,
        udot_init, θdot_init, Vdot_init, Ωdot_init, dt)

    Calculate and insert the residual entries corresponding to a point for a newmark-scheme time marching analysis into the system residual vector.

    dynamic_point_residual!(resid, dx, x, indices, force_scaling, assembly, ipoint,
        prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity)

    Calculate and insert the residual entries corresponding to a point for a dynamic analysis into the system residual vector.

    expanded_steady_point_residual!(resid, x, indices, force_scaling, assembly, ipoint,
        prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity,
        linear_acceleration, angular_acceleration)

    Calculate and insert the residual entries corresponding to a point into the system residual vector for a constant mass matrix system.

    expanded_dynamic_point_residual!(resid, dx, x, indices, force_scaling, assembly, ipoint,
        prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity)

    Calculate and insert the residual entries corresponding to a point into the system residual vector for a constant mass matrix system.

    static_point_jacobian_properties(properties, x, indices, force_scaling, assembly,
        ipoint, prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity)

    Calculate/extract the point properties needed to calculate the jacobian entries corresponding to a point for a static analysis

    steady_point_jacobian_properties(properties, x, indices, force_scaling,
        assembly, ipoint, prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity,
        ub_ub, θb_θb, vb_vb, ωb_ωb, ab_ab, αb_αb)

    Calculate/extract the point properties needed to calculate the jacobian entries corresponding to a point for a steady state analysis

    initial_point_jacobian_properties(properties, x, indices, rate_vars,
        force_scaling, assembly, ipoint, prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity,
        u0, θ0, V0, Ω0, Vdot0, Ωdot0)

    Calculate/extract the point properties needed to calculate the jacobian entries corresponding to a point for a Newmark scheme time marching analysis

    newmark_point_jacobian_properties(properties, x, indices, force_scaling,
        assembly, ipoint, prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity,
        udot_init, θdot_init, Vdot_init, Ωdot_init, dt)

    Calculate/extract the point properties needed to calculate the jacobian entries corresponding to a point for a Newmark scheme time marching analysis

    dynamic_point_jacobian_properties(properties, dx, x, indices, force_scaling,
        assembly, ipoint, prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity)

    Calculate/extract the point properties needed to calculate the jacobian entries corresponding to a point for a dynamic analysis

    expanded_steady_point_jacobian_properties(properties, x, indices, force_scaling,
        assembly, ipoint, prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity)

    Calculate/extract the point properties needed to calculate the jacobian entries corresponding to a point for a constant mass matrix system

    expanded_dynamic_point_jacobian_properties(properties, dx, x, indices, force_scaling,
        assembly, ipoint, prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity)

    Calculate/extract the point properties needed to calculate the jacobian entries corresponding to a point for a constant mass matrix system

    mass_matrix_point_jacobian_properties(x, indices, force_scaling,
        assembly, ipoint, prescribed_conditions, point_masses)

    Calculate/extract the point properties needed to calculate the mass matrix jacobian entries corresponding to a point

    expanded_mass_matrix_point_jacobian_properties(assembly, ipoint, prescribed_conditions, point_masses)

    Calculate/extract the point properties needed to calculate the mass matrix jacobian entries corresponding to a point for a constant mass matrix system

    insert_static_point_jacobians!(jacob, indices, force_scaling, ipoint, properties,

    Insert the jacobian entries corresponding to a point for a static analysis into the system jacobian matrix.

    insert_initial_point_jacobians!(jacob, indices, force_scaling, ipoint, properties,
        resultants, velocities)

    Insert the jacobian entries corresponding to a point for the initialization of a time domain analysis into the system jacobian matrix.

    insert_dynamic_point_jacobians!(jacob, indices, force_scaling, ipoint,
        properties, resultants, velocities)

    Insert the jacobian entries corresponding to a point for a steady state analysis into the system jacobian matrix.

    insert_expanded_steady_point_jacobians!(jacob, indices, force_scaling, ipoint, properties,
        resultants, velocities)

    Insert the jacobian entries corresponding to a point for a constant mass matrix system into the system jacobian matrix for a constant mass matrix system.

    insert_expanded_dynamic_point_jacobians!(jacob, indices, force_scaling, ipoint, properties,
        resultants, velocities)

    Insert the jacobian entries corresponding to a point for a constant mass matrix system into the system jacobian matrix for a constant mass matrix system.

    insert_mass_matrix_point_jacobians!(jacob, gamma, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling, ipoint,
        properties, resultants, velocities)

    Insert the mass matrix jacobian entries corresponding to a point into the system jacobian matrix.

    static_point_jacobian!(jacob, x, indices, force_scaling, assembly, ipoint,
        prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity)

    Calculate and insert the jacobian entries corresponding to a point for a static analysis into the system jacobian matrix.

    steady_point_jacobian!(jacob, x, indices, force_scaling, assembly,
        ipoint, prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity,
        linear_velocity, angular_velocity, linear_acceleration, angular_acceleration)

    Calculate and insert the jacobian entries corresponding to a point for a steady state analysis into the system jacobian matrix.

    initial_point_jacobian!(jacob, x, indices, rate_vars,
        force_scaling, assembly, ipoint, prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity,
        linear_velocity, angular_velocity, linear_acceleration, angular_acceleration,
        u0, θ0, V0, Ω0, Vdot0, Ωdot0)

    Calculate and insert the jacobian entries corresponding to a point for the initialization of a time domain analysis into the system jacobian matrix.

    newmark_point_jacobian!(jacob, x, indices, force_scaling, assembly, ipoint,
        prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity,
        udot_init, θdot_init, Vdot_init, Ωdot_init, dt))

    Calculate and insert the jacobian entries corresponding to a point for a Newmark scheme time marching analysis into the system jacobian matrix.

    dynamic_point_jacobian!(jacob, dx, x, indices, force_scaling, assembly, ipoint,
        prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity)

    Calculate and insert the jacobian entries corresponding to a point for a dynamic analysis into the system jacobian matrix.

    expanded_steady_point_jacobian!(jacob, x, indices, force_scaling,
        assembly, ipoint, prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity,
        linear_velocity, angular_velocity, linear_acceleration, angular_acceleration)

    Calculate and insert the jacobian entries corresponding to a point for a constant mass matrix system into the system jacobian matrix.

    expanded_dynamic_point_jacobian!(jacob, dx, x, indices, force_scaling, assembly, ipoint,
        prescribed_conditions, point_masses, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity)

    Calculate and insert the jacobian entries corresponding to a point for a constant mass matrix system into the system jacobian matrix.

    mass_matrix_point_jacobian!(jacob, gamma, x, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling, assembly,
        ipoint, prescribed_conditions)

    Calculate and insert the mass_matrix jacobian entries corresponding to a point into the system jacobian matrix.

    expanded_mass_matrix_point_jacobian!(jacob, gamma, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling, assembly,
        ipoint, prescribed_conditions, point_masses)

    Calculate and insert the mass_matrix jacobian entries corresponding to a point into the system jacobian matrix for a constant mass matrix system




    Composite type that defines a beam element's properties


    • L: Beam element length
    • x: Beam element location
    • compliance: Beam element compliance matrix
    • mass: Beam element mass matrix
    • Cab: Transformation matrix from the undeformed beam element frame to the body frame
    • mu: Beam element damping coefficients
    element_loads(x, ielem, icol_elem, force_scaling)

    Extract the internal loads (F, M) for a beam element from the state variable vector. These loads are expressed in the deformed element frame.

    expanded_element_loads(x, ielem, icol_elem, force_scaling)

    Extract the internal loads of a beam element at its endpoints (F1, M1, F2, M2) from the state variable vector for a constant mass matrix system.

    expanded_element_velocities(x, ielem, icol_elem)

    Extract the velocities of a beam element from the state variable vector for a constant mass matrix system.

    static_element_properties(x, indices, force_scaling, assembly, ielem,
        prescribed_conditions, gravity)

    Calculate/extract the element properties needed to construct the residual for a static analysis

    steady_element_properties(x, indices, force_scaling, structural_damping,
        assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity,
        linear_acceleration=(@SVector zeros(3)), angular_acceleration=(@SVector zeros(3)))

    Calculate/extract the element properties needed to construct the residual for a steady state analysis

    initial_element_properties(x, indices, rate_vars, force_scaling,
        structural_damping, assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, gravity,
        linear_velocity, angular_velocity, linear_acceleration, angular_acceleration, u0, θ0, V0, Ω0, Vdot0, Ωdot0)

    Calculate/extract the element properties needed to construct the residual for a time-domain analysis initialization

    newmark_element_properties(x, indices, force_scaling, structural_damping,
        assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity,
        Vdot_init, Ωdot_init, dt)

    Calculate/extract the element properties needed to construct the residual for a newmark- scheme time stepping analysis

    dynamic_element_properties(dx, x, indices, force_scaling, structural_damping,
        assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity)

    Calculate/extract the element properties needed to construct the residual for a dynamic analysis

    expanded_steady_element_properties(x, indices, force_scaling, structural_damping,
        assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity,
        linear_acceleration=(@SVector zeros(3)), angular_acceleration=(@SVector zeros(3)))

    Calculate/extract the element properties needed to construct the residual for a constant mass matrix system

    expanded_dynamic_element_properties(dx, x, indices, force_scaling, structural_damping,
        assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity)

    Calculate/extract the element properties needed to construct the residual for a constant mass matrix system

    Missing docstring.

    Missing docstring for GXBeam.compatability_residuals. Check Documenter's build log for details.

    Missing docstring.

    Missing docstring for GXBeam.expanded_element_steady_velocity_residuals. Check Documenter's build log for details.

    Missing docstring.

    Missing docstring for GXBeam.expanded_element_dynamic_velocity_residuals. Check Documenter's build log for details.

    static_element_resultants(properties, distributed_loads, ielem)

    Calculate the resultant loads applied at each end of a beam element for a static analysis.

    dynamic_element_resultants(properties, distributed_loads, ielem)

    Calculate the resultant loads applied at each end of a beam element for a steady state analysis.

    insert_element_residuals!(resid, indices, force_scaling, assembly, ielem,
        compatibility, resultants)

    Insert the residual entries corresponding to a beam element into the system residual vector.

    insert_expanded_element_residuals!(resid, indices, force_scaling, assembly, ielem,
        compatibility, velocities, equilibrium, resultants)

    Insert the residual entries corresponding to a beam element into the system residual vector for a constant mass matrix system.

    static_element_residual!(resid, x, indices, force_scaling, assembly, ielem,
        prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads, gravity)

    Calculate and insert the residual entries corresponding to a beam element for a static analysis into the system residual vector.

    steady_element_residual!(resid, x, indices, force_scaling, structural_damping,
        assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads, gravity,
        linear_velocity, angular_velocity, linear_acceleration, angular_acceleration)

    Calculate and insert the residual entries corresponding to a beam element for a steady state analysis into the system residual vector.

    initial_element_residual!(resid, x, indices, rate_vars,
        force_scaling, structural_damping, assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions,
        distributed_loads, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity,
        linear_acceleration, angular_acceleration, u0, θ0, V0, Ω0, Vdot0, Ωdot0)

    Calculate and insert the residual entries corresponding to a beam element for the initialization of a time domain simulation into the system residual vector.

    newmark_element_residual!(resid, x, indices, force_scaling, structural_damping,
        assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads, gravity,
        linear_velocity, angular_velocity, Vdot_init, Ωdot_init, dt)

    Calculate and insert the residual entries corresponding to a beam element for a newmark-scheme time marching analysis into the system residual vector.

    dynamic_element_residual!(resid, dx, x, indices, force_scaling, structural_damping,
        assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads, gravity,
        linear_velocity, angular_velocity)

    Calculate and insert the residual entries corresponding to a beam element for a dynamic analysis into the system residual vector.

    expanded_steady_element_residual!(resid, x, indices, force_scaling, structural_damping,
        assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads, gravity,
        linear_velocity, angular_velocity, linear_acceleration, angular_acceleration)

    Calculate and insert the residual entries corresponding to a beam element for a constant mass matrix system into the system residual vector.

    expanded_dynamic_element_residual!(resid, dx, x, indices, force_scaling,
        structural_damping, assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads,
        gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity)

    Calculate and insert the residual entries corresponding to a beam element for a constant mass matrix system into the system residual vector.

    static_element_jacobian_properties(properties, x, indices, force_scaling,
        assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, gravity)

    Calculate/extract the element properties needed to calculate the jacobian entries corresponding to a beam element for a static analysis

    steady_element_jacobian_properties(properties, x, indices,
        force_scaling, structural_damping, assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions,

    Calculate/extract the element properties needed to calculate the jacobian entries corresponding to a element for a steady state analysis

    initial_element_jacobian_properties(properties, x, indices, rate_vars,
        force_scaling, structural_damping, assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, gravity,
        u0, θ0, V0, Ω0, Vdot0, Ωdot0)

    Calculate/extract the element properties needed to calculate the jacobian entries corresponding to a element for a Newmark scheme time marching analysis

    newmark_element_jacobian_properties(properties, x, indices, force_scaling,
        structural_damping, assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, gravity,
        Vdot_init, Ωdot_init, dt)

    Calculate/extract the element properties needed to calculate the jacobian entries corresponding to a element for a Newmark scheme time marching analysis

    dynamic_element_jacobian_properties(properties, dx, x, indices,
        force_scaling, assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, gravity)

    Calculate/extract the element properties needed to calculate the jacobian entries corresponding to a element for a dynamic analysis

    expanded_element_jacobian_properties(properties, x, indices, force_scaling,
        structural_damping, assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, gravity)

    Calculate/extract the element properties needed to calculate the jacobian entries corresponding to a element for a steady state analysis

    expanded_dynamic_element_jacobian_properties(properties, dx, x, indices, force_scaling,
        structural_damping, assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, gravity)

    Calculate/extract the element properties needed to calculate the jacobian entries corresponding to a element for a dynamic analysis

    mass_matrix_element_jacobian_properties(x, indices, force_scaling,
    assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions)

    Calculate/extract the element properties needed to calculate the mass matrix jacobian entries corresponding to a beam element

    expanded_mass_matrix_element_jacobian_properties(assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions)

    Calculate/extract the element properties needed to calculate the mass matrix jacobian entries corresponding to a beam element for a constant mass matrix system

    Missing docstring.

    Missing docstring for GXBeam.expanded_element_steady_velocity_jacobians. Check Documenter's build log for details.

    Missing docstring.

    Missing docstring for GXBeam.expanded_element_dynamic_velocity_jacobians. Check Documenter's build log for details.

    static_element_resultant_jacobians(properties, distributed_loads, ielem)

    Calculate the jacobians for the resultant loads applied at each end of a beam element for a static analysis.

    steady_element_resultant_jacobians(properties, distributed_loads, ielem)

    Calculate the jacobians for the resultant loads applied at each end of a beam element for a steady state analysis.

    initial_element_resultant_jacobians(properties, distributed_loads, ielem)

    Calculate the jacobians for the resultant loads applied at each end of V beam element for the initialization of a time domain analysis.

    dynamic_element_resultant_jacobians(properties, distributed_loads, ielem)

    Calculate the jacobians for the resultant loads applied at each end of a beam element for a dynamic analysis.

    Missing docstring.

    Missing docstring for GXBeam.expanded_mass_matrix_element_velocity_jacobians. Check Documenter's build log for details.

    static_element_jacobian!(jacob, x, indices, force_scaling,
        assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads, gravity)

    Calculate and insert the jacobian entries corresponding to a beam element for a static analysis into the system jacobian matrix.

    steady_element_jacobian!(jacob, x, indices, force_scaling,
        structural_damping, assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads,
        gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity, linear_acceleration, angular_acceleration)

    Calculate and insert the jacobian entries corresponding to a beam element for a steady state analysis into the system jacobian matrix.

    initial_element_jacobian!(jacob, x, indices, rate_vars, force_scaling,
        structural_damping, assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads,
        gravity, ub, θb, vb, ωb, ab, αb, u0, θ0, V0, Ω0, Vdot0, Ωdot0)

    Calculate and insert the jacobian entries corresponding to a beam element for the initialization of a time domain analysis into the system jacobian matrix.

    newmark_element_jacobian!(jacob, x, indices, force_scaling,
        structural_damping, assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads,
        gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity, Vdot_init, Ωdot_init, dt)

    Calculate and insert the jacobian entries corresponding to a beam element for a Newmark-scheme time marching analysis into the system jacobian matrix.

    dynamic_element_jacobian!(jacob, dx, x, indices, force_scaling,
        structural_damping, assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads,
        gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity)

    Calculate and insert the jacobian entries corresponding to a beam element for a dynamic analysis into the system jacobian matrix.

    expanded_steady_element_jacobian!(jacob, x, indices, force_scaling,
        structural_damping, assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads,
        gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity, linear_acceleration,

    Calculate and insert the jacobian entries corresponding to a beam element for a dynamic analysis into the system jacobian matrix.

    expanded_dynamic_element_jacobian!(jacob, dx, x, indices, force_scaling,
        structural_damping, assembly, ielem, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads,
        gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity)

    Calculate and insert the jacobian entries corresponding to a beam element for a dynamic analysis into the system jacobian matrix.

    mass_matrix_element_jacobian!(jacob, gamma, x, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling, assembly,
        ielem, prescribed_conditions)

    Calculate and insert the mass_matrix jacobian entries corresponding to a beam element into the system jacobian matrix.

    expanded_mass_matrix_element_jacobian!(jacob, gamma, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling, assembly,
        ielem, prescribed_conditions)

    Calculate and insert the mass_matrix jacobian entries corresponding to a beam element into the system jacobian matrix for a constant mass matrix system




    Structure for holding indices for accessing the state variables and equations associated with each point and beam element in a system.


    Defines a suitable default force scaling factor based on the nonzero elements of the compliance matrices in assembly.

    curve_triad(Cab, k, s)
    curve_triad(Cab, kkt, ktilde, kn, s)

    Return the transformation matrix at s along the length of the beam given the curvature vector k and the initial transformation matrix Cab.

    curve_coordiantes(r, Cab, k, s)
    curve_coordinates(r, Cab, kkt, ktilde, kn, s)

    Return the coordinates at s along the length of the beam given the starting point r, initial transformation matrix Cab, and curvature vector k.

    static_system_residual!(resid, x, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling,
        assembly, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads, point_masses, gravity)

    Populate the system residual vector resid for a static analysis

    initial_system_residual!(resid, x, indices, rate_vars1, rate_vars2,
        two_dimensional, force_scaling, structural_damping, assembly, prescribed_conditions,
        distributed_loads, point_masses, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity,
        linear_acceleration, angular_acceleration, u0, θ0, V0, Ω0, Vdot0, Ωdot0)

    Populate the system residual vector resid for the initialization of a time domain simulation.

    steady_system_residual!(resid, x, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling,
        structural_damping, assembly, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads,
        point_masses, gravity, vb, ωb, ab, αb)

    Populate the system residual vector resid for a steady state analysis

    newmark_system_residual!(resid, x, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling, structural_damping,
        assembly, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads, point_masses, gravity,
        linear_velocity, angular_velocity, udot_init, θdot_init, Vdot_init, Ωdot_init, dt)

    Populate the system residual vector resid for a Newmark scheme time marching analysis.

    dynamic_system_residual!(resid, dx, x, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling,
        structural_damping, assembly, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads,
        point_masses, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity)

    Populate the system residual vector resid for a general dynamic analysis.

    expanded_steady_system_residual!(resid, x, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling, structural_damping,
        assembly, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads, point_masses, gravity,
        linear_velocity, angular_velocity, linear_acceleration, angular_acceleration)

    Populate the system residual vector resid for a constant mass matrix system.

    expanded_dynamic_system_residual!(resid, dx, x, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling,
        structural_damping, assembly, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads,
        point_masses, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity)

    Populate the system residual vector resid for a constant mass matrix system.

    static_system_jacobian!(jacob, x, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling,
        assembly, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads, point_masses, gravity)

    Populate the system jacobian matrix jacob for a static analysis

    steady_system_jacobian!(jacob, x, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling,
        structural_damping, assembly, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads,
        point_masses, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity, linear_acceleration,

    Populate the system jacobian matrix jacob for a steady-state analysis

    initial_system_jacobian!(jacob, x, indices, rate_vars1, rate_vars2, two_dimensional, force_scaling,
        structural_damping, assembly, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads,
        point_masses, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity, linear_acceleration,
        angular_acceleration, u0, θ0, V0, Ω0, Vdot0, Ωdot0)

    Populate the system jacobian matrix jacob for the initialization of a time domain simulation.

    newmark_system_jacobian!(jacob, x, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling, structural_damping,
        assembly, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads, point_masses, gravity,
        linear_velocity, angular_velocity, udot_init, θdot_init, Vdot_init, Ωdot_init, dt)

    Populate the system jacobian matrix jacob for a Newmark scheme time marching analysis.

    dynamic_system_jacobian!(jacob, dx, x, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling,
        structural_damping, assembly, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads,
        point_masses, gravity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity)

    Populate the system jacobian matrix jacob for a general dynamic analysis.

    expanded_steady_system_jacobian!(jacob, x, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling, structural_damping,
        assembly, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads, point_masses, gravity,
        ub_p, θb_p, vb_p, ωb_p, ab_p, αb_p)

    Populate the system jacobian matrix jacob for a general dynamic analysis with a constant mass matrix system.

    expanded_dynamic_system_jacobian!(jacob, dx, x, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling, structural_damping,
        assembly, prescribed_conditions, distributed_loads, point_masses, gravity,
        linear_velocity, angular_velocity)

    Populate the system jacobian matrix jacob for a general dynamic analysis with a constant mass matrix system.

    system_mass_matrix!(jacob, x, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling,  assembly,
        prescribed_conditions, point_masses)

    Calculate the jacobian of the residual expressions with respect to the state rates.

    system_mass_matrix!(jacob, gamma, x, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling, assembly,
        prescribed_conditions, point_masses)

    Calculate the jacobian of the residual expressions with respect to the state rates and add the result multiplied by gamma to jacob.

    expanded_system_mass_matrix(system, assembly;
        two_dimensional = false,
        prescribed_conditions=Dict{Int, PrescribedConditions}(),
        point_masses=Dict{Int, PointMass}())

    Calculate the jacobian of the residual expressions with respect to the state rates for a constant mass matrix system.

    expanded_system_mass_matrix!(jacob, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling,  assembly, prescribed_conditions,

    Calculate the jacobian of the residual expressions with respect to the state rates.

    expanded_system_mass_matrix!(jacob, gamma, indices, two_dimensional, force_scaling, assembly,
        prescribed_conditions, point_masses)

    Calculate the jacobian of the residual expressions with respect to the state rates and add the result multiplied by gamma to jacob.

