Bending of an Initially Curved Beam

This example is a common benchmark problem for the geometrically exact bending of nonlinear beams.


This example is also available as a Jupyter notebook: curved.ipynb.

using GXBeam, LinearAlgebra

# problem constants
R = 100
L = R*pi/4 # inches
h = w = 1 # inches
E = 1e7 # psi Young's Modulus
ν = 0.0
G = E/(2*(1+ν))

# beam starting point, frame, and curvature
start = [0, 0, 0]
frame = [0 -1 0; 1 0 0; 0 0 1]
curvature = [0, 0, -1/R]

# cross section properties
A = h*w
Ay = A
Az = A
Iyy = w*h^3/12
Izz = w^3*h/12
J = Iyy + Izz

# discretize the beam
nelem = 16
ΔL, xp, xm, Cab = discretize_beam(L, start, nelem;
    frame = frame,
    curvature = curvature)

# force
P = 600 # lbs

# index of left and right endpoints of each beam element
pt1 = 1:nelem
pt2 = 2:nelem+1

# compliance matrix for each beam element
compliance = fill(Diagonal([1/(E*A), 1/(G*Ay), 1/(G*Az), 1/(G*J), 1/(E*Iyy),
    1/(E*Izz)]), nelem)

# create assembly of interconnected nonlinear beams
assembly = Assembly(xp, pt1, pt2, compliance=compliance, frames=Cab,
    lengths=ΔL, midpoints=xm)

# create dictionary of prescribed conditions
prescribed_conditions = Dict(
    # fixed left endpoint
    1 => PrescribedConditions(ux=0, uy=0, uz=0, theta_x=0, theta_y=0, theta_z=0),
    # force on right endpoint
    nelem+1 => PrescribedConditions(Fz = P)

# perform static analysis
system, state, converged = static_analysis(assembly;
    prescribed_conditions = prescribed_conditions)

println("Tip Displacement: ", state.points[end].u)
println("Tip Displacement (Bathe and Bolourch): [-13.4, -23.5, 53.4]")
Tip Displacement: [-13.577383726813796, -23.545303337069093, 53.45800757557757]
Tip Displacement (Bathe and Bolourch): [-13.4, -23.5, 53.4]

The calculated tip displacements match those reported by Bathe and Bolourch in "Large Displacement Analysis of Three-Dimensional Beam Structures" closely, thus verifying our implementation of geometrically exact beam theory.

We can visualize the deformed geometry and inspect the associated point and element data using ParaView.

write_vtk("curved-visualization/curved-visualization", assembly, state)

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