Getting Started
In this guide we introduce you to the basic functionality of this package in a step by step manner. This is a good starting point for learning about how to use this package.
This guide is also available as a Jupyter notebook: guide.ipynb
If you haven't yet, now would be a good time to install GXBeam. It can be installed from the Julia REPL by typing ]
(to enter the package manager) and then running add GXBeam
Now, that the package is installed we need to load it so that we can use it. It's also often helpful to load the LinearAlgebra package.
using GXBeam, LinearAlgebra
The geometry we will be working with is a rotating beam with a swept tip as pictured.
This geometry has a fixed boundary condition on the left side of the beam and rotates around a point 2.5 inches to the left of the beam. We will investigate the steady behavior of this system for a variety of rotation rates when the sweep angle is 45°.
Creating an Assembly
The first step for any analysis is to create an object of type Assembly
. This object stores the properties of each of the points and beam elements in our model.
To create an object of type Assembly we need the following:
- An array of points
- The starting point for each beam element
- The ending point for each beam element
- The frame of reference for each beam element, specified as a 3x3 direction cosine matrix
- The stiffness or compliance matrix for each beam element
- The mass or inverse mass matrix for each beam element, for dynamic simulations
- The element length and midpoint, if the element is curved
We will first focus on the geometry. We start by defining the straight section of the beam. This section extends from (2.5, 0, 0) to (34, 0, 0). The local coordinate frame for this section of the beam is the same as the global coordinate frame. We will discretize this section into 10 elements.
To aid with constructing the geometry we can use the discretize_beam
function. We pass in the length, starting point, and number of elements of the beam section to the discretize_beam
function. The function returns the lengths, endpoints, midpoints, and reference frame of each beam element.
# straight section of the beam
L_b1 = 31.5 # length of straight section of the beam in inches
r_b1 = [2.5, 0, 0] # starting point of straight section of the beam
nelem_b1 = 10 # number of elements in the straight section of the beam
lengths_b1, xp_b1, xm_b1, Cab_b1 = discretize_beam(L_b1, r_b1, nelem_b1)
The length of each beam element is equal since we used the number of elements to define the discretization. For more control over the discretization we can pass in the discretization directly. The following is an equally valid method for obtaining uniformly spaced beam elements.
# normalized element endpoints in the straight section of the beam
disc_b1 = range(0, 1, length=nelem_b1+1)
# discretize straight beam section
lengths_b1, xp_b1, xm_b1, Cab_b1 = discretize_beam(L_b1, r_b1, disc_b1)
We now create the geometry for the swept portion of the wing. To do so we use the same discretize_beam
function, but use the additional keyword argument frame
in order to define the undeformed local beam frame. The direction cosine matrix which describes the local beam frame is
\[\begin{bmatrix} e_{1,x} & e_{2,x} & e_{3,x} \\ e_{1,y} & e_{2,y} & e_{3,y} \\ e_{1,z} & e_{2,z} & e_{3,z} \\ \end{bmatrix}\]
where $e_1$, $e_2$, and $e_3$ are unit vectors which define the axes of the local frame of reference in the body frame of reference. This matrix may be interpreted as a transformation matrix from the undeformed local beam frame to the body frame.
sweep = 45 * pi/180
# swept section of the beam
L_b2 = 6 # length of swept section of the beam
r_b2 = [34, 0, 0] # starting point of swept section of the beam
nelem_b2 = 5 # number of elements in swept section of the beam
e1 = [cos(sweep), -sin(sweep), 0] # axis 1
e2 = [sin(sweep), cos(sweep), 0] # axis 2
e3 = [0, 0, 1] # axis 3
frame_b2 = hcat(e1, e2, e3) # transformation matrix from local to body frame
lengths_b2, xp_b2, xm_b2, Cab_b2 = discretize_beam(L_b2, r_b2, nelem_b2;
frame = frame_b2)
We will now manually combine the results of our two calls to discretize_beam
. Since the last endpoint from the straight section is the same as the first endpoint of the swept section we drop one of the endpoints when combining our results.
# combine elements and points into one array
nelem = nelem_b1 + nelem_b2 # total number of elements
points = vcat(xp_b1, xp_b2[2:end]) # all points in our assembly
start = 1:nelem_b1 + nelem_b2 # starting point of each beam element in our assembly
stop = 2:nelem_b1 + nelem_b2 + 1 # ending point of each beam element in our assembly
lengths = vcat(lengths_b1, lengths_b2) # length of each beam element in our assembly
midpoints = vcat(xm_b1, xm_b2) # midpoint of each beam element in our assembly
Cab = vcat(Cab_b1, Cab_b2) # transformation matrix from local to body frame
# for each beam element in our assembly
Next we need to define the stiffness (or compliance) and mass matrices for each beam element.
The compliance matrix is defined by the following equation
\[\begin{bmatrix} \gamma_{11} \\ 2\gamma_{12} \\ 2\gamma_{13} \\ \kappa_{1} \\ \kappa_{2} \\ \kappa_{3} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} S_{11} & S_{12} & S_{13} & S_{14} & S_{15} & S_{16} \\ S_{12} & S_{22} & S_{23} & S_{24} & S_{25} & S_{26} \\ S_{13} & S_{23} & S_{33} & S_{34} & S_{35} & S_{36} \\ S_{14} & S_{24} & S_{43} & S_{44} & S_{45} & S_{46} \\ S_{15} & S_{25} & S_{35} & S_{45} & S_{55} & S_{56} \\ S_{16} & S_{26} & S_{36} & S_{46} & S_{56} & S_{66} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} F_{1} \\ F_{2} \\ F_{3} \\ M_{1} \\ M_{2} \\ M_{3} \end{bmatrix}\]
with the variables defined as follows:
- $\gamma_{11}$: beam axial strain
- $2\gamma_{12}$ engineering transverse strain along axis 2
- $2\gamma_{13}$ engineering transverse strain along axis 3
- $\kappa_1$: twist
- $\kappa_2$: curvature about axis 2
- $\kappa_3$: curvature about axis 3
- $F_i$: resultant force about axis i
- $M_i$: resultant moment about axis i
The mass matrix is defined using the following equation
\[\begin{bmatrix} P_{1} \\ P_{2} \\ P_{3} \\ H_{1} \\ H_{2} \\ H_{3} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \mu & 0 & 0 & 0 & \mu x_{m3} & -\mu x_{m2} \\ 0 & \mu & 0 & -\mu x_{m3} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \mu & \mu x_{m2} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & -\mu x_{m3} & \mu x_{m2} & i_{22} + i_{33} & 0 & 0 \\ \mu x_{m3} & 0 & 0 & 0 & i_{22} & -i_{23} \\ -\mu x_{m2} & 0 & 0 & 0 & -i_{23} & i_{33} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} V_{1} \\ V_{2} \\ V_{3} \\ \Omega_{1} \\ \Omega_{2} \\ \Omega_{3} \end{bmatrix}\]
with the variables defined as follows:
- $P$: linear momentum per unit length
- $H$: angular momentum per unit length
- $V$: linear velocity
- $\Omega$: angular velocity
- $\mu$: mass per unit length
- $(x_{m2}, x_{m3})$: mass center location
- $i_{22}$: mass moment of inertia about axis 2
- $i_{33}$: mass moment of inertia about axis 3
- $i_{23}$: product of inertia
We assume that our beam has a constant cross section with the following properties:
- 1 inch width
- 0.063 inch height
- 1.06 x 10^7 lb/in^2 elastic modulus
- 0.325 Poisson's ratio
- 2.51 x 10^-4 lb sec^2/in^4 density
We also assume the following shear and torsion correction factors:
- $k_y = 1.2000001839588001$
- $k_z = 14.625127919304001$
- $k_t = 65.85255016982444$
# cross section
w = 1 # inch
h = 0.063 # inch
# material properties
E = 1.06e7 # lb/in^2
ν = 0.325
ρ = 2.51e-4 # lb sec^2/in^4
# shear and torsion correction factors
ky = 1.2000001839588001
kz = 14.625127919304001
kt = 65.85255016982444
A = h*w
Iyy = w*h^3/12
Izz = w^3*h/12
J = Iyy + Izz
# apply corrections
Ay = A/ky
Az = A/kz
Jx = J/kt
G = E/(2*(1+ν))
compliance = fill(Diagonal([1/(E*A), 1/(G*Ay), 1/(G*Az), 1/(G*Jx), 1/(E*Iyy),
1/(E*Izz)]), nelem)
mass = fill(Diagonal([ρ*A, ρ*A, ρ*A, ρ*J, ρ*Iyy, ρ*Izz]), nelem)
Our case is simple enough that we can analytically calculate most values for the compliance and mass matrices, but this is not generally the case. For more complex geometries/structures see the section of the documentation titled Computing Stiffness and Mass Matrices
Also note that any row/column of the stiffness and/or compliance matrix which is zero will be interpreted as infinitely stiff in that degree of freedom. This corresponds to a row/column of zeros in the compliance matrix.
We are now ready to put together our assembly.
assembly = Assembly(points, start, stop;
compliance = compliance,
mass = mass,
frames = Cab,
lengths = lengths,
midpoints = midpoints)
At this point this is probably a good time to check that the geometry of our assembly is correct. We can do this by visualizing the geometry in ParaView. We can use the write_vtk
function to do this. Note that in order to visualize the generated file yourself you will need to install ParaView separately.
write_vtk("rotating-geometry/rotating-geometry", assembly)
Point Masses
We won't be applying point masses to our model, but we will demonstrate how to do so.
Point masses are defined by using the constructor PointMass
and may be attached to any point. One instance of PointMass
must be created for every point with attached point masses. These instances of PointMass
are then stored in a dictionary with keys corresponding to each point index.
Each PointMass
contains a 6x6 mass matrix which describes the relationship between the linear/angular velocity of the point and the linear/angular momentum of the point mass. For a single point mass, this matrix is defined as
\[\begin{bmatrix} P_{x} \\ P_{y} \\ P_{z} \\ H_{x} \\ H_{y} \\ H_{z} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} m & 0 & 0 & 0 & m p_{z} & -m p_{y} \\ 0 & m & 0 & -m p_{z} & 0 & m p_{x} \\ 0 & 0 & m & m p_{y} & -m p_{x} & 0 \\ 0 & -m p_{z} & m p_{y} & I_{xx}^* & -I_{xy}^* & -I_{xz}^* \\ m p_{z} & 0 & -m p_{x} & -I_{xy}^* & I_{yy}^* & -I_{yz}^* \\ -m p_{y} & m p_{x} & 0 & -I_{xz}^* & -I_{yz}^* & I_{zz}^* \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} V_{x} \\ V_{y} \\ V_{z} \\ \Omega_{x} \\ \Omega_{y} \\ \Omega_{z} \end{bmatrix}\]
where $m$ is the mass of the point mass, $p$ is the position of the point mass relative to the point to which it is attached, and $I^*$ is the inertia matrix corresponding to the point mass, defined relative to the point. Multiple point masses may be modeled by adding their respective mass matrices together.
Objects of type PointMass
may be constructed by providing the fully populated mass matrix as described above or by providing the mass, offset, and inertia matrix of the point mass, with the later being the inertia matrix of the point mass about its center of gravity rather than the beam center. To demonstrate, the following code places a 10 kg tip mass at the end of our swept beam.
m = 10 # mass
p = zeros(3) # relative location
J = zeros(3,3) # inertia matrix (about the point mass center of gravity)
# create dictionary of point masses
point_masses = Dict(
nelem+1 => PointMass(m, p, J)
Defining Distributed Loads
We won't be applying distributed loads to our model, but we will demonstrate how to do so.
Distributed loads are defined by using the constructor DistributedLoads
. One instance of DistributedLoads
must be created for every beam element on which the distributed load is applied. These instances of DistributedLoads
are then stored in a dictionary with keys corresponding to each beam element index.
To define a DistributedLoads
the assembly, element number, and distributed load functions must be passed to DistributedLoads
. Possible distributed load functions are:
: Distributed x-direction forcefy
: Distributed y-direction forcefz
: Distributed z-direction forcemx
: Distributed x-direction momentmy
: Distributed y-direction momentmz
: Distributed z-direction momentfx_follower
: Distributed x-direction follower forcefy_follower
: Distributed y-direction follower forcefz_follower
: Distributed z-direction follower forcemx_follower
: Distributed x-direction follower momentmy_follower
: Distributed y-direction follower momentmz_follower
: Distributed z-direction follower moment
Each of these forces/moments are specified as functions of the arbitrary coordinate $s$. The
-coordinate at the start and end of the beam element can be specified using the keyword arguments
For example, the following code applies a uniform 10 pound distributed load in the z-direction on all beam elements:
distributed_loads = Dict{Int64, DistributedLoads{Float64}}()
for ielem in 1:nelem
distributed_loads[ielem] = DistributedLoads(assembly, ielem; fz = (s) -> 10)
To instead use a follower force (a force that rotates with the structure) we would use the following code:
distributed_loads = Dict{Int64, DistributedLoads{Float64}}()
for ielem in 1:nelem
distributed_loads[ielem] = DistributedLoads(assembly, ielem;
fz_follower = (s) -> 10)
The units are arbitrary, but must be consistent with the units used when constructing the beam assembly. Also note that both non-follower and follower forces may exist simultaneously.
Note that the distributed loads are integrated over each element when they are created using 4-point Gauss-Legendre quadrature. If more control over the integration is desired one may specify a custom integration method as described in the documentation for DistributedLoads
Defining Prescribed Conditions
Whereas distributed loads are applied to beam elements, prescribed conditions are external loads or displacement boundary conditions applied to points. One instance of PrescribedConditions
must be created for every point on which prescribed conditions are applied. These instances of PrescribedConditions
are then stored in a dictionary with keys corresponding to each point index.
Possible prescribed conditions include:
: Prescribed x-displacementuy
: Prescribed y-displacementuz
: Prescribed z-displacementtheta_x
: Prescribed first Wiener-Milenkovic parametertheta_y
: Prescribed second Wiener-Milenkovic parametertheta_z
: Prescribed third Wiener-Milenkovic parameterFx
: Prescribed x-direction forceFy
: Prescribed y-direction forceFz
: Prescribed z-direction forceMx
: Prescribed x-axis momentMy
: Prescribed y-axis momentMz
: Prescribed z-axis momentFx_follower
: Prescribed x-direction follower forceFy_follower
: Prescribed y-direction follower forceFz_follower
: Prescribed z-direction follower forceMx_follower
: Prescribed x-direction follower momentMy_follower
: Prescribed y-direction follower momentMz_follower
: Prescribed z-direction follower moment
One can apply both force and displacement boundary conditions to the same point, but one cannot specify a force and displacement condition at the same point corresponding to the same degree of freedom.
Here we create a fixed boundary condition on the left side of the beam.
# create dictionary of prescribed conditions
prescribed_conditions = Dict(
# root section is fixed
1 => PrescribedConditions(ux=0, uy=0, uz=0, theta_x=0, theta_y=0, theta_z=0)
Note that most problems should have at least one point where deflections and/or rotations are constrained in order to be well-posed.
Pre-Allocating Memory for an Analysis
At this point we have everything we need to perform an analysis. However, since we will be performing multiple analyses using the same assembly we can save computational time be pre-allocating memory for the analysis. This can be done by constructing an object of type AbstractSystem
. There are two main options: StaticSystem
for static systems and DynamicSystem
for dynamic systems. The third option: ExpandedSystem
is primarily useful when constructing a constant mass matrix system for use with DifferentialEquations
Since our system is rotating, we construct an object of type DynamicSystem
system = DynamicSystem(assembly)
Performing a Steady State Analysis
We're now ready to perform our steady state analyses. This can be done by calling steady_state_analysis!
with the pre-allocated system storage, assembly, angular velocity, and the prescribed point conditions. A linear analysis may be performed instead of a nonlinear analysis by using the linear
keyword argument. The outputs from our analysis are stored in an object of type AssemblyState
rpm = 0:25:750
linear_states = Vector{AssemblyState{Float64}}(undef, length(rpm))
for i = 1:length(rpm)
# global frame rotation
w0 = [0, 0, rpm[i]*(2*pi)/60]
# perform linear steady state analysis
_, state, converged = steady_state_analysis!(system, assembly,
angular_velocity = w0,
prescribed_conditions = prescribed_conditions,
linear = true)
# save result
linear_states[i] = state
nonlinear_states = Vector{AssemblyState{Float64}}(undef, length(rpm))
for i = 1:length(rpm)
# global frame rotation
w0 = [0, 0, rpm[i]*(2*pi)/60]
# perform nonlinear steady state analysis
_, state, converged = steady_state_analysis!(system, assembly,
angular_velocity = w0,
prescribed_conditions = prescribed_conditions)
# save result
nonlinear_states[i] = state
Post Processing Results
We can access the fields in each instance of AssemblyState
in order to plot various quantities of interest. This object stores an array of objects of type PointState
in the field points
and an array of objects of type ElementState
in the field elements
The fields of PointState
are the following:
: point linear displacementudot
: point linear displacement ratetheta
: point angular displacementthetadot
: point angular displacement rateV
: linear velocityVdot
: linear velocity rateOmega
: angular velocityOmegadot
: angular velocity rateF
: externally applied forces on the pointM
: externally applied moments on the point
The fields of ElementState
are the following:
: element linear displacementudot
: element linear displacement ratetheta
: element angular displacementthetadot
: element angular displacement rateV
: element linear velocityOmega
: element angular velocityFi
: internal forces (in the local element frame)Mi
: internal moments (in the local element frame)
Unless otherwise noted, all fields are expressed in a body-fixed frame. Also note that angular displacements are expressed in terms of Wiener-Milenkovic parameters.
To demonstrate how these fields can be accessed we will now plot the root moment and tip deflections.
using Plots
# root moment
xlim = (0, 760),
xticks = 0:100:750,
xlabel = "Angular Speed (RPM)",
yticks = 0.0:2:12,
ylabel = "\$M_z\$ at the root (lb-in)",
grid = false,
Mz_nl = [-nonlinear_states[i].points[1].M[3] for i = 1:length(rpm)]
Mz_l = [-linear_states[i].points[1].M[3] for i = 1:length(rpm)]
plot!(rpm, Mz_nl, label="Nonlinear")
plot!(rpm, Mz_l, label="Linear")
# x tip deflection
xlim = (0, 760),
xticks = 0:100:750,
xlabel = "Angular Speed (RPM)",
ylim = (-0.002, 0.074),
yticks = 0.0:0.01:0.07,
ylabel = "\$u_x\$ at the tip (in)",
grid = false,
ux_nl = [nonlinear_states[i].points[end].u[1] for i = 1:length(rpm)]
ux_l = [linear_states[i].points[end].u[1] for i = 1:length(rpm)]
plot!(rpm, ux_nl, label="Nonlinear")
plot!(rpm, ux_l, label="Linear")
# y tip deflection
xlim = (0, 760),
xticks = 0:100:750,
xlabel = "Angular Speed (RPM)",
ylim = (-0.01, 0.27),
yticks = 0.0:0.05:0.25,
ylabel = "\$u_y\$ at the tip (in)",
grid = false,
uy_nl = [nonlinear_states[i].points[end].u[2] for i = 1:length(rpm)]
uy_l = [linear_states[i].points[end].u[2] for i = 1:length(rpm)]
plot!(rpm, uy_nl, label="Nonlinear")
plot!(rpm, uy_l, label="Linear")
# rotation of the tip
xlim = (0, 760),
xticks = 0:100:750,
xlabel = "Angular Speed (RPM)",
ylabel = "\$θ_z\$ at the tip",
grid = false,
theta_z_nl = [4*atan(nonlinear_states[i].points[end].theta[3]/4)
for i = 1:length(rpm)]
theta_z_l = [4*atan(linear_states[i].points[end].theta[3]/4)
for i = 1:length(rpm)]
plot!(rpm, theta_z_nl, label="Nonlinear")
plot!(rpm, theta_z_l, label="Linear")
Other Capabilities
Further information about how to use this package may be obtained by looking through the examples or browsing the Public API.
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