Vehicle Definition

In this example we simulate the eVTOL transition maneuver of a tandem tilt-wing multirotor aircraft. The aircraft configuration resembles the Vahana eVTOL aircraft but with tilt and stacked rotors:

Pic here
Takeoff and landing
Pic here

Due to the complexity of this simulation, each step of the simulation setup is quite involved. Hence, we have broken down each step into a function that can be call when we setup the simulation.

Below is the function that defines the vehicle for the simulation (uns.UVLMVehicle). Along with defining the vehicle geometry, it also defines two tilting systems (a tilting system is a set of components that tilt together) and three rotor systems (a rotor system is a set of rotors with a common RPM). Later in the next section we will define the control inputs for these tilting and rotor systems.

Pic here
Pic here
    Generates the geometry of Vahana aircraft
function generate_vahana_vehicle(;
                                    # VEHICLE OPTIONS
                                    xfoil       = true,             # Whether to run XFOIL
                                    n_factor::Int = 1,              # Discretization factor
                                    add_wings   = true,             # Whether to add the wings
                                    add_rotors  = true,             # Whether to add the rotors
                                    VehicleType = uns.VLMVehicle,   # Type of vehicle to generate (uns.QVLMVehicle for quasi-steady solver)
                                    data_path   = uns.def_data_path,# Database path
                                    # OUTPUT OPTIONS
                                    run_name    = "vahana",
                                    verbose     = true,
                                    v_lvl       = 0


    if verbose; println("\t"^(v_lvl)*"Defining parameters..."); end;

    # ------------ GEOMETRIC PARAMETERS ------------------------------------
    # Tilt and fixed rotors
    tiltrotor_file  = "VahanaTilt.csv"      # Tilt-rotor file
    R_w             = 0.75                  # (m) main-wing rotor radius (reference)
    R_tw            = R_w                   # (m) tandem-wing rotor radius (reference)
    CW_w            = true                  # Clockwise rotation of main-wing rotor
    CW_tw           = false                 # Clockwise rotation of tandem-wing rotor
    nr_w            = 2                     # Number of rotors per side of main wing
    nr_tw           = 2                     # Number of rotors per side of tandem wing
    pitch           = 0.0                   # (deg) collective pitch for tiltrotors rotors on main and tandem wings
    main_outtilt    = 10                    # (deg) Mount main-wing rotors with this out-tilt angle
    tandem_pitchtilt= 10                    # (deg) Mount tandem-wing rotors with this alternating pitch-tilt angle
    xoc_offset_main = 0.175                 # Axial distance of main-wing rotors from LE, divided by chord
    xoc_offset_tandem = 0.10                # Axial distance of tandem-wing rotors from LE, divided by chord
    soD             = 0.1                   # Tip-to-tip distance of rotors, divided by diameter
    ReD07           = 1.5e6                 # Assumed diameter-based Reynolds number for all rotors at r/R=0.7
    ReD             = ReD07/0.7             # Reynolds number at blade tip (for XFOIL)
    n_rotor         = 7*n_factor            # Number of blade elements per blade
    r_rotor         = 1/20                  # Geometric expansion between blade elements
    tilt_read_polar = vlm.ap.read_polar     # What polar reader to use

    # Stacked rotors
    stackedrotor_file = "VahanaStacked.csv" # Stacked-rotor file
    stacked         = [nr_w, nr_w+1]        # Index of main-wing rotors that will be stacked rotors
    stckd_xoc_offset= -1.40                 # Axial distance of stacked rotors from LE, divided by chord
    stckd_zoc_offset= 0.10                  # Height of stacked rotors above wing, divided by chord
    stckd_zoR_offset= -0.05                 # Stacking distance between stacked rotors, divided by R
    stckd_corotating= true                  # Co-rotating stacked rotors if true, counter-rotating otherwise
    stckd_phase     = -10                   # (deg) initial phase difference of stacked rotors (index angle)
    stckd_pitch_up  = 5.0                   # (deg) collective pitch of upper rotor in stack
    stckd_pitch_low = stckd_pitch_up + 7.5  # (deg) collective pitch of lower rotor in stack
    stacked_read_polar = vlm.ap.read_polar2 # What polar reader to use

    # Main wing
    b_w             = 5.86                  # (m) span
    AR_w            = 7.4                   # Aspect ratio (b/c_tip)
    tr_w            = 1.0                   # Taper ratio (c_tip/c_root)
    twist_r_w       = 14.0                  # (deg) twist at root
    twist_t_w       = twist_r_w             # (deg) twist at tip
    lambda_w        = main_outtilt          # (deg) sweep
    gamma_w         = 5.0                   # (deg) dihedral
    md_w            = 0.9                   # Length of middle section, divided by span
    pivot_w         = 1/4                   # Pivot point along chord of tilt-wing
    n_w             = 24*n_factor           # Number of wing elements per side
    r_w             = 2.0                   # Geometric expansion of wing elements

    # Main-wing winglets
    b_wl            = b_w/4                 # (m) span of winglet from top to bottom
    AR_wl           = 3.0                   # Aspect ratio (b/c_tip)
    tr_wl           = (b_wl/AR_wl)/(b_w/AR_w/tr_w)  # Taper ratio (c_tip/c_root)
    twist_r_wl      = 2.5                   # (deg) twist at root
    twist_t_wl      = 0.0                   # (deg) twist at tip
    lambda_wl       = 40.0                  # (deg) sweep
    gamma_wl        = 15.0                  # (deg) dihedral
    n_wl            = 8*n_factor            # Number of wing elements per side
    r_wl            = 2.0                   # Geometric expansion of wing elements

    # Tandem wing
    b_tw            = b_w*1.0               # (m) span
    AR_tw           = 9.5                   # Aspect ratio (b/c_tip)
    tr_tw           = 1.0                   # Taper ratio (c_tip/c_root)
    twist_r_tw      = 14.0                  # (deg) twist at root
    twist_t_tw      = twist_r_tw            # (deg) twist at tip
    lambda_tw       = 0.0                   # (deg) sweep
    gamma_tw        = 0.0                   # (deg) dihedral
    md_tw           = 0.2                   # Length of middle section, divided by span
    pivot_tw        = pivot_w               # Pivot point along chord of tilt-wing
    n_tw            = 2*n_w                 # Number of wing elements per side
    r_tw            = r_w                   # Geometric expansion of wing elements

    # Fuselage
    l_f             = 5.86                  # (m) length
    h_f             = 2.81*2/3              # (m) height

    # ------------ ASSEMBLY PARAMETERS ------------------------------------
    # Position of wings on fuselage
    h_pos_w         = 0.90*h_f              # (m) height position of wing
    h_pos_tw        = 0.15*h_f              # (m) height position of tandem wing
    l_pos_w         = 0.95*l_f-b_w/AR_w/tr_w# (m) length position of wing
    l_pos_tw        = 0.05*l_f              # (m) length position of tandem wing

    # Position of rotors along main wing
    d_rotor_w       = (1+soD)*(2*R_w)       # Distance between rotors
    y_pos_rotor_w   = Float64[b_w/2 - i*d_rotor_w for i in 0:nr_w-1]    # y-positions

    # Position of rotors along tandem wing
    d_rotor_tw      = (1+soD)*(2*R_tw)      # Distance between rotors on wing
    y_pos_rotor_tw  = Float64[b_tw/2 - i*d_rotor_tw for i in 0:nr_tw-1] # y-positions

    init_ori        = 90.0                  # (deg) initial orientation of wings
    init_ori_rotor  = 0.0                   # (deg) initial orientation of rotors
    init_ori_stackedrotor = 30.0            # (deg) initial orientation of stacked rotors


    if verbose; println("\t"^(v_lvl)*"Generating components..."); end;

    # ------------ ROTORS ------------------------------------------------
    # Generate base rotors (one for each rotation orientation)
    if add_rotors

        tiltrotors = vlm.Rotor[]                # Tilt rotors

        if verbose; println("\t"^(v_lvl+1)*"Generating first tilt-rotor..."); end;
        push!(tiltrotors, uns.generate_rotor(tiltrotor_file; pitch=pitch,
                                                n=n_rotor, blade_r=r_rotor, CW=!CW_w, ReD=ReD,
                                                verbose=verbose, v_lvl=v_lvl+2, xfoil=xfoil,
                                                data_path=data_path, plot_disc=false))

        if verbose; println("\t"^(v_lvl+1)*"Generating second tilt-rotor..."); end;
        push!(tiltrotors, uns.generate_rotor(tiltrotor_file; pitch=pitch,
                                                n=n_rotor, blade_r=r_rotor, CW=CW_w, ReD=ReD,
                                                verbose=verbose, v_lvl=v_lvl+2, xfoil=xfoil,
                                                data_path=data_path, plot_disc=false))

        stackedrotors = vlm.Rotor[]             # Upper rotor in stacked rotors

        if verbose; println("\t"^(v_lvl+1)*"Generating first stacked-rotor..."); end;
        push!(stackedrotors, uns.generate_rotor(stackedrotor_file; pitch=stckd_pitch_up,
                                                n=n_rotor, blade_r=r_rotor, CW=!CW_w, ReD=ReD,
                                                verbose=verbose, v_lvl=v_lvl+2, xfoil=xfoil,
                                                data_path=data_path, plot_disc=false))

        if verbose; println("\t"^(v_lvl+1)*"Generating second stacked-rotor..."); end;
        push!(stackedrotors, uns.generate_rotor(stackedrotor_file; pitch=stckd_pitch_up,
                                                n=n_rotor, blade_r=r_rotor, CW=CW_w, ReD=ReD,
                                                verbose=verbose, v_lvl=v_lvl+2, xfoil=xfoil,
                                                data_path=data_path, plot_disc=false))

        stackedrotors_low = vlm.Rotor[]         # Lower rotor in stacked rotors

        if stckd_pitch_up != stckd_pitch_low

            if verbose; println("\t"^(v_lvl+1)*"Generating first lower-stacked-rotor..."); end;
            push!(stackedrotors_low, uns.generate_rotor(stackedrotor_file; pitch=stckd_pitch_low,
                                                    n=n_rotor, blade_r=r_rotor, CW=!CW_w, ReD=ReD,
                                                    verbose=verbose, v_lvl=v_lvl+2, xfoil=xfoil,
                                                    data_path=data_path, plot_disc=false))

            if verbose; println("\t"^(v_lvl+1)*"Generating second lower-stacked-rotor..."); end;
            push!(stackedrotors_low, uns.generate_rotor(stackedrotor_file; pitch=stckd_pitch_low,
                                                    n=n_rotor, blade_r=r_rotor, CW=CW_w, ReD=ReD,
                                                    verbose=verbose, v_lvl=v_lvl+2, xfoil=xfoil,
                                                    data_path=data_path, plot_disc=false))


            for rotor in stackedrotors
                push!(stackedrotors_low, rotor)


    # ------------ MAIN WING ---------------------------------------------
    # Generate wing
    if verbose; println("\t"^(v_lvl+1)*"Generating main wing assembly..."); end;

    # Middle section
    pos_md_w = [0.0, md_w]
    clen_md_w = [1/tr_w, md_w + (1/tr_w)*(1-md_w)]
    twist_md_w = [twist_r_w, twist_r_w + md_w*(twist_t_w-twist_r_w)]
    wing_md = vlm.complexWing(b_w, AR_w, ceil(Int, md_w*n_w), pos_md_w, clen_md_w, twist_md_w,
                          lambda_w*ones(1), gamma_w*ones(1);
                          symmetric=true, chordalign=0.0,

    # Left section
    pos_l_w = [0, -(1-md_w)]   # NOTE: Here we define this wing section from right to left
    clen_l_w = [1, clen_md_w[end]]
    twist_l_w = [twist_t_w, twist_md_w[end]]
    wing_L = vlm.complexWing(b_w, AR_w, ceil(Int, (1-md_w)*n_w/2), pos_l_w, clen_l_w,
                            twist_l_w, -lambda_w*ones(1), -gamma_w*ones(1);
                            symmetric=false, chordalign=0.0,

    # Right section
    pos_r_w = [0, (1-md_w)]
    clen_r_w = [clen_md_w[end], 1]
    twist_r_w = [twist_md_w[end], twist_t_w]
    wing_R = vlm.complexWing(b_w, AR_w, ceil(Int, (1-md_w)*n_w/2), pos_r_w, clen_r_w,
                            twist_r_w, lambda_w*ones(1), gamma_w*ones(1);
                            symmetric=false, chordalign=0.0,

    # Translate right and left sections to position
    O_w_R = (md_w*b_w/2)*[0, 1, 0]
    O_w_L = [1 0 0; 0 -1 0; 0 0 1]*O_w_R
    vlm.setcoordsystem(wing_R, O_w_R, Im)
    vlm.setcoordsystem(wing_L, O_w_L, Im)

    # Winglets
    winglet_R = vlm.simpleWing(b_wl, AR_wl, tr_wl, twist_r_wl, lambda_wl, gamma_wl;
                                          twist_tip=twist_t_wl, n=n_wl, r=r_wl)

    winglet_L = vlm.simpleWing(b_wl, AR_wl, tr_wl, twist_r_wl, lambda_wl, gamma_wl;
                                          twist_tip=twist_t_wl, n=n_wl, r=r_wl)

    # Translate winglets to position
    O_wl_R = (b_w/2)*[0, 1, 0]
    O_wl_R += ((1-md_w)*b_w/2)*[tan(lambda_w*pi/180), 0, tan(gamma_w*pi/180)]
    O_wl_L = [1 0 0; 0 -1 0; 0 0 1]*O_wl_R
    Oaxis_wl_R = gt.rotation_matrix(0.0, 0.0, 90.0)
    Oaxis_wl_L = gt.rotation_matrix(0.0, 0.0, -90.0)
    vlm.setcoordsystem(winglet_R, O_wl_R, Oaxis_wl_R)
    vlm.setcoordsystem(winglet_L, O_wl_L, Oaxis_wl_L)

    # Generate main-wing rotors (from right to left)
    if add_rotors

        if verbose; println("\t"^(v_lvl+2)*"Generating main-wing rotors..."); end;

        O_rotor_w = [                            # Position of each rotor
                     (ypos - md_w*b_w/2)*[tan(lambda_w*pi/180), 0, -tan(gamma_w*pi/180)] +
                     ypos*[0, 1, 0] +
                     [-(i in stacked ? stckd_xoc_offset : xoc_offset_main)*AR_w/b_w, 0, 0] +
                     [0, 0, (i in stacked ? stckd_zoc_offset*tan(gamma_w*pi/180) : 0)*AR_w/b_w]
                     for (i, ypos) in enumerate(y_pos_rotor_w)]

        rotors_w = vlm.Rotor[]                  # Rotors get stored in these arrays
        rotors_w_stacked_up = vlm.Rotor[]
        rotors_w_stacked_low = vlm.Rotor[]

        for i in 1:2*nr_w
            right = i<=nr_w                     # Indicates which side of the wing

            copy_rotor = i in stacked ? stackedrotors[1+i%2] : tiltrotors[1+i%2]
            this_rotor = deepcopy(copy_rotor)   # Alternates rotation orientation

            this_O = O_rotor_w[ right ? i : nr_w-(i-nr_w-1)]  # Chooses position
            this_O = [1 0 0; 0 (-1)^!right 0; 0 0 1]*this_O   # Places it in correct side
            this_Oaxis = i in stacked ? gt.rotation_matrix(0.0, 90, 0.0) :
                                        gt.rotation_matrix((-1)^(i%2==0)*main_outtilt, 0.0, 0.0)

            # Place rotor in position
            vlm.setcoordsystem(this_rotor, this_O, this_Oaxis; user=true)

            # Rotate rotor to be tip-to-tip with others
            vlm.rotate(this_rotor, (-1)^(!CW_w) * (i in stacked ? init_ori_stackedrotor : init_ori_rotor))

            # Add the original polars that are not copied with deepcopy
            this_rotor.airfoils = copy_rotor.airfoils
            this_rotor._polars = copy_rotor._polars
            this_rotor._polarroot = copy_rotor._polarroot
            this_rotor._polartip = copy_rotor._polartip

            if !(i in stacked)

                push!(rotors_w, this_rotor)

                push!(rotors_w_stacked_up, this_rotor)

                # Generate lower rotor if this is a stacked rotor
                copy_rotor = stackedrotors_low[ 1+(i+1*!stckd_corotating)%2 ]
                this_rotor = deepcopy(copy_rotor)

                # Place rotor in position
                this_O += R_w*[0, 0, stckd_zoR_offset]
                vlm.setcoordsystem(this_rotor, this_O, this_Oaxis; user=true)

                # Rotate rotor to be tip-to-tip with others
                vlm.rotate(this_rotor, (-1)^(!CW_w) * (init_ori_stackedrotor+stckd_phase))

                # Add the original polars that are not copied with deepcopy
                this_rotor.airfoils = copy_rotor.airfoils
                this_rotor._polars = copy_rotor._polars
                this_rotor._polarroot = copy_rotor._polarroot
                this_rotor._polartip = copy_rotor._polartip

                push!(rotors_w_stacked_low, this_rotor)

    # Assemble fixed section of the wing (middle section + stacked rotors)
    main_wing_fixed = vlm.WingSystem()
    vlm.addwing(main_wing_fixed, "WingM", wing_md)

    if add_rotors
        for (i, rotor) in enumerate(rotors_w_stacked_up)
            vlm.addwing(main_wing_fixed, "StackedRotorUp$i", rotor)
        for (i, rotor) in enumerate(rotors_w_stacked_low)
            vlm.addwing(main_wing_fixed, "StackedRotorLow$i", rotor)

    # Assemble wing tip sections
    main_wing_R = vlm.WingSystem()
    vlm.addwing(main_wing_R, "Tip", wing_R)
    vlm.addwing(main_wing_R, "Winglet", winglet_R)

    main_wing_L = vlm.WingSystem()
    vlm.addwing(main_wing_L, "Tip", wing_L)
    vlm.addwing(main_wing_L, "Winglet", winglet_L)

    # Assemble moving sections of the wing
    main_wing_moving = vlm.WingSystem()
    vlm.addwing(main_wing_moving, "WingR", main_wing_R)
    vlm.addwing(main_wing_moving, "WingL", main_wing_L)

    if add_rotors
        for (i, rotor) in enumerate(rotors_w)
            vlm.addwing(main_wing_moving, "Rotor$i", rotor)

    # Align moving and fixed section with their pivot line
    x_off_w = pivot_w*b_w/AR_w                  # offset to align with pivot line
    O_off_w = [-x_off_w, 0.0, 0.0]

    vlm.setcoordsystem(wing_md, O_off_w, Im)

    for vlmwing in main_wing_moving.wings
        if typeof(vlmwing)==vlm.Rotor
            vlm.setcoordsystem(vlmwing, vlmwing._wingsystem.O + O_off_w,
                                        vlmwing._wingsystem.Oaxis; user=false)
            vlm.setcoordsystem(vlmwing, vlmwing.O + O_off_w, vlmwing.Oaxis)

    # Place tilting sections at main-wing tip
    O_mv = (md_w*b_w/2)*[tand(lambda_w), 0, tand(gamma_w)]

    # Initial rotation of moving sections
    Oaxis_wmv = gt.rotation_matrix(0.0, -init_ori, 0.0)
    vlm.setcoordsystem(main_wing_moving, O_mv, Oaxis_wmv)

    # Assemble main wing
    main_wing = vlm.WingSystem()
    vlm.addwing(main_wing, "Fixed", main_wing_fixed)
    vlm.addwing(main_wing, "Moving", main_wing_moving)

    # Position of main wing
    O_w = [l_pos_w + x_off_w, 0, h_pos_w]
    Oaxis_w = gt.rotation_matrix(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    vlm.setcoordsystem(main_wing, O_w, Oaxis_w)

    # ------------ TANDEM WING -------------------------------------------
    if verbose; println("\t"^(v_lvl+1)*"Generating tandem wing assembly..."); end;

    # Generate tandem wing
    twing = vlm.simpleWing(b_tw, AR_tw, tr_tw, twist_r_tw, lambda_tw,
                                gamma_tw; twist_tip=twist_t_tw, n=n_tw, r=r_tw)

    # Middle section
    pos_md_tw = [-md_tw, 0.0, md_tw]
    clen_md_tw = [md_tw + (1/tr_tw)*(1-md_tw), 1/tr_tw, md_tw + (1/tr_tw)*(1-md_tw)]
    twist_md_tw = [twist_r_tw + md_tw*(twist_t_tw-twist_r_tw),
                        twist_r_tw, twist_r_tw + md_tw*(twist_t_tw-twist_r_tw)]
    twing_md = vlm.complexWing(b_tw, AR_tw, ceil(Int, md_tw*n_tw), pos_md_tw,
                                  clen_md_tw, twist_md_tw,
                                  lambda_tw*ones(2), gamma_tw*ones(2);
                                  symmetric=false, chordalign=0.0,
    # Left section
    pos_l_tw = [-1, pos_md_tw[1]]
    clen_l_tw = [1, clen_md_tw[1]]
    twist_l_tw = [twist_t_tw, twist_md_tw[1]]
    twing_L = vlm.complexWing(b_tw, AR_tw, ceil(Int, (1-md_tw)*n_tw/2), pos_l_tw,
                                    clen_l_tw, twist_l_tw,
                                    lambda_tw*ones(1), gamma_tw*ones(1);
                                    symmetric=false, chordalign=0.0,
    # Right section
    pos_r_tw = [pos_md_tw[end], 1]
    clen_r_tw = [clen_md_tw[end], 1]
    twist_r_tw = [twist_md_tw[end], twist_t_tw]
    twing_R = vlm.complexWing(b_tw, AR_tw, ceil(Int, (1-md_tw)*n_tw/2), pos_r_tw,
                                    clen_r_tw, twist_r_tw,
                                    lambda_tw*ones(1), gamma_tw*ones(1);
                                    symmetric=false, chordalign=0.0,

    ## Generate tandem-wing rotors (from right to left)
    if add_rotors

        if verbose; println("\t"^(v_lvl+2)*"Generating tandem-wing rotors..."); end;

        O_rotor_tw = [ ypos*[tan(lambda_tw*pi/180), 1, tan(gamma_tw*pi/180)] +
                        [-xoc_offset_tandem*AR_tw/b_tw, 0, 0]
                                                  for ypos in y_pos_rotor_tw]

        rotors_tw = vlm.Rotor[]

        for i in 1:2*nr_tw
            right = i<=nr_tw                        # Indicates which side of the wing

            copy_rotor = tiltrotors[1+(i+(CW_tw!=CW_w))%2]
            this_rotor = deepcopy(copy_rotor)       # Alternates rotation orientation

            this_O = O_rotor_tw[ right ? i : nr_tw-(i-nr_tw-1)] # Chooses position
            this_O = [1 0 0; 0 (-1)^!right 0; 0 0 1]*this_O     # Places it in correct side
            this_Oaxis = gt.rotation_matrix(0, (-1)^(i%2==0)*(-1)^right*tandem_pitchtilt, 0)

            # Place rotor in position
            vlm.setcoordsystem(this_rotor, this_O, this_Oaxis; user=true)

            # Rotates rotor to be tip-to-tip with others
            vlm.rotate(this_rotor, (-1)^(!CW_tw) * init_ori_rotor)

            # Add the original polars that are not copied with deepcopy
            this_rotor.airfoils = copy_rotor.airfoils
            this_rotor._polars = copy_rotor._polars
            this_rotor._polarroot = copy_rotor._polarroot
            this_rotor._polartip = copy_rotor._polartip

            push!(rotors_tw, this_rotor)

    # Assemble moving sections of the wing
    tandem_wing_moving = vlm.WingSystem()
    vlm.addwing(tandem_wing_moving, "WingR", twing_R)
    vlm.addwing(tandem_wing_moving, "WingL", twing_L)

    if add_rotors
        for (i, rotor) in enumerate(rotors_tw)
            vlm.addwing(tandem_wing_moving, "Rotor$i", rotor)

    # Align moving and fixed section with their pivot line
    x_off_tw = pivot_tw*b_tw/AR_tw                  # offset to align with pivot line
    O_off_tw = [-x_off_tw, 0.0, 0.0]

    vlm.setcoordsystem(twing_md, O_off_tw, Im)

    for vlmwing in tandem_wing_moving.wings
        if typeof(vlmwing)==vlm.Rotor
            vlm.setcoordsystem(vlmwing, vlmwing._wingsystem.O + O_off_tw,
                                        vlmwing._wingsystem.Oaxis; user=false)
            vlm.setcoordsystem(vlmwing, vlmwing.O + O_off_tw, vlmwing.Oaxis)

    # Initial rotation of moving sections
    Oaxis_twmv = gt.rotation_matrix(0.0, -init_ori, 0.0)
    vlm.setcoordsystem(tandem_wing_moving, zeros(3), Oaxis_twmv)

    # Assemble tandem wing
    tandem_wing = vlm.WingSystem()
    vlm.addwing(tandem_wing, "FixedWing", twing_md)
    vlm.addwing(tandem_wing, "Moving", tandem_wing_moving)

    # Position of tandem wing
    O_tw = [l_pos_tw + x_off_tw, 0, h_pos_tw]
    Oaxis_tw = gt.rotation_matrix(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    vlm.setcoordsystem(tandem_wing, O_tw, Oaxis_tw)

    # ------------ FUSELAGE ----------------------------------------------
    if verbose; println("\t"^(v_lvl+1)*"Generating fuselage..."); end;

    # Generate fuselage
    fuselage = generatefuselage_vahana(l_f; ncells=20)

    # All grids get stored here
    body = gt.MultiGrid(3)
    gt.addgrid(body, "Fuselage", fuselage)

    # Generate pylons of stacked rotors
    if add_rotors
        if verbose; println("\t"^(v_lvl+1)*"Generating pylons..."); end;

        pylon_pos = 0.70
        pylon_length = stckd_xoc_offset*AR_w/b_w * pylon_pos

        for i in stacked
            pylon = generatepylon(pylon_length; ncells=5)

            right = i<=nr_w
            this_O = O_rotor_w[ right ? i : nr_w-(i-nr_w-1)]  # Chooses position
            this_O = [1 0 0; 0 (-1)^!right 0; 0 0 1]*this_O   # Places it in correct side
            this_O += main_wing.O                             # Translates it with the wing
                                                              # Offsets it according to length
            this_O += [1/3*0.5*pylon_pos, 0, 3*R_w*stckd_zoR_offset]
            rotation = gt.rotation_matrix2(0, 0, 0)

            gt.lintransform!(pylon, rotation, this_O)

            gt.addgrid(body, "Pylon$i", pylon)


    # System of all FLOWVLM objects
    system = vlm.WingSystem()
    vlm.addwing(system, "MainWing", main_wing)
    vlm.addwing(system, "TandemWing", tandem_wing)

    # Tilting systems
    tilting_systems = (main_wing_moving, tandem_wing_moving)

    # Rotors grouped by systems with shared RPM control
    if add_rotors
        rotor_systems = (rotors_w, rotors_w_stacked_up, rotors_w_stacked_low, rotors_tw)
        rotor_systems = ()

    # System solved through VLM solver
    vlm_system_m = vlm.WingSystem()
    vlm.addwing(vlm_system_m, "letL", winglet_L)
    vlm.addwing(vlm_system_m, "L", wing_L)
    vlm.addwing(vlm_system_m, "middle", wing_md)
    vlm.addwing(vlm_system_m, "R", wing_R)
    vlm.addwing(vlm_system_m, "letR", winglet_R)

    vlm_system_t = vlm.WingSystem()
    vlm.addwing(vlm_system_t, "L", twing_L)
    vlm.addwing(vlm_system_t, "R", twing_R)

    vlm_system = vlm.WingSystem()
    if add_wings
        vlm.addwing(vlm_system, "MWing", vlm_system_m)
        vlm.addwing(vlm_system, "TWing", vlm_system_t)

    # All rotors
    if add_rotors
        rotors = vcat(rotors_w, rotors_w_stacked_up, rotors_w_stacked_low, rotors_tw)

    # System that will shed a VPM wake
    wake_system = vlm.WingSystem()

    if add_wings
        vlm.addwing(wake_system, "SolveVLM", vlm_system)

    if add_rotors
        if VehicleType==uns.VLMVehicle
            for (i, rotor) in enumerate(rotors)
                vlm.addwing(wake_system, "Rotor$i", rotor)
            # Mute warnings regarding potential colinear vortex filaments. This is
            # needed since the quasi-steady solver will probe induced velocities at the
            # lifting line of the blade

    # Visualization grids that are rotated and translated along with the vehicle
    grids = [body]

    # Define vehicle
    vehicle = VehicleType(   system;

    return vehicle
Full example

The function that defines the fuselage is given in the full example under examples/vahana/vahana_vehicle.jl