Run Simulation

A mid fidelity resolution makes the computational cost tractable and possible to be run the full maneuver (30 seconds of real time) overnight on a laptop computer. This is a video of the full maneuver in mid fidelity:

With a finer temporal and spatial resolution, it becomes impractical to resolve the entire maneuver, and instead we recommend simulating one fragment of the maneuver at a time. For instance, here is a high-fidelity simulation of the transition from hover to cruise:

As a reference, here are the parameters that we have used for the mid and high fidelity simulations:

ParameterMid fidelityHigh fidelityDescription
n_factor14Factor that controls the level of discretization of wings and blade surfaces
nsteps4*54008*5400Time steps for the entire maneuver
t_start00.20*ttot(s) start simulation at this point in time
t_quitttot0.30*ttot(s) end imulation at this point in time
lambda_vpm2.1251.5*2.125VPM core overlap
vlm_vortexsheetfalsetrueWhether to spread the wing surface vorticity as a vortex sheet
vpm_integrationvpm.eulervpm.rungekutta3VPM time integration scheme

Along the way, in this simulation we exemplify the following advanced features:

  • Defining a variable pitch for rotors between hover and cruise
  • Using the actuator surface model for wing surfaces
  • Defining a wake treatment that speeds up the simulation by removing particles that can be neglected

    Simulation of eVTOL transition maneuver of a tandem tilt-wing multirotor
    aircraft. The aircraft configuration resembles the Vahana eVTOL aircraft
    but with tilt, stacked, and variable-pitch rotors.

  * Author          : Eduardo J. Alvarez (
  * Email           :
  * Created         : Feb 2021
  * Last updated    : Feb 2021
  * License         : MIT

import FLOWUnsteady as uns
import FLOWUnsteady: vlm, vpm, gt, Im

include(joinpath(uns.examples_path, "vahana", "vahana_vehicle.jl"))
include(joinpath(uns.examples_path, "vahana", "vahana_maneuver.jl"))
include(joinpath(uns.examples_path, "vahana", "vahana_monitor.jl"))

run_name        = "vahana"                  # Name of this simulation
save_path       = "vahana-example"          # Where to save this simulation
paraview        = true                      # Whether to visualize with Paraview

# ----------------- GEOMETRY PARAMETERS ----------------------------------------
n_factor        = 1                         # Discretization factor
add_wings       = true                      # Whether to include wings
add_rotors      = true                      # Whether to include rotors

# Reference lengths
R               = 0.75                      # (m) reference blade radius
b               = 5.86                      # (m) reference wing span
chord           = b/7.4                     # (m) reference wing chord
thickness       = 0.04*chord                # (m) reference wing thickness

# ----------------- SIMULATION PARAMETERS --------------------------------------
# Maneuver settings
Vcruise         = 15.0                      # (m/s) cruise speed (reference)
RPMh_w          = 600.0                     # RPM of main-wing rotors in hover (reference)
ttot            = 30.0                      # (s) total time to perform maneuver

use_variable_pitch = true                   # Whether to use variable pitch in cruise

# Freestream
Vinf(X,t)       = 1e-5*[1, 0, -1]           # (m/s) freestream velocity (if 0 the solvers can become unstable)
rho             = 1.225                     # (kg/m^3) air density
mu              = 1.81e-5                   # (kg/ms) air dynamic viscosity

# NOTE: Use these parameters to start and end the simulation at any arbitrary
#       point along the eVTOL maneuver (tstart=0 and tquit=ttot will simulate
#       the entire maneuver, tstart=0.20*ttot will start it at the beginning of
#       the hover->cruise transition)
tstart          = 0.00*ttot                 # (s) start simulation at this point in time
tquit           = 1.00*ttot                 # (s) end simulation at this point in time

start_kinmaneuver = true                    # If true, it starts the maneuver with the
                                            # velocity and angles of tstart.
                                            # If false, starts with velocity=0
                                            # and angles as initiated by the geometry
# ----------------- SOLVER PARAMETERS ------------------------------------------

# Aerodynamic solver
VehicleType     = uns.UVLMVehicle           # Unsteady solver
# VehicleType     = uns.QVLMVehicle         # Quasi-steady solver

# Time parameters
nsteps          = 4*5400                    # Time steps for entire maneuver
dt              = ttot/nsteps               # (s) time step

# VPM particle shedding
p_per_step      = 5                         # Sheds per time step
shed_starting   = false                     # Whether to shed starting vortex
shed_unsteady   = true                      # Whether to shed vorticity from unsteady loading
unsteady_shedcrit = 0.001                   # Shed unsteady loading whenever circulation
                                            #  fluctuates by more than this ratio

# Regularization of embedded vorticity
sigma_vlm_surf  = b/400                     # VLM-on-VPM smoothing radius
sigma_rotor_surf= R/20                      # Rotor-on-VPM smoothing radius
lambda_vpm      = 2.125                     # VPM core overlap
                                            # VPM smoothing radius
sigma_vpm_overwrite         = lambda_vpm * (2*pi*RPMh_w/60*R + Vcruise)*dt / p_per_step
sigmafactor_vpmonvlm        = 1             # Shrink particles by this factor when
                                            #  calculating VPM-on-VLM/Rotor induced velocities

# Rotor solver
vlm_rlx                     = 0.2           # VLM relaxation <-- this also applied to rotors
hubtiploss_correction       = vlm.hubtiploss_correction_prandtl # Hub and tip correction

# Wing solver: actuator surface model (ASM)
vlm_vortexsheet             = false         # Whether to spread the wing surface vorticity as a vortex sheet (activates ASM)
vlm_vortexsheet_overlap     = 2.125         # Overlap of the particles that make the vortex sheet
vlm_vortexsheet_distribution= uns.g_pressure# Distribution of the vortex sheet
# vlm_vortexsheet_sigma_tbv = thickness*chord / 100  # Size of particles in trailing bound vortices
vlm_vortexsheet_sigma_tbv   = sigma_vpm_overwrite
                                            # How many particles to preallocate for the vortex sheet
vlm_vortexsheet_maxstaticparticle = vlm_vortexsheet==false ? nothing : 6000000

# Wing solver: force calculation
KJforce_type                = "regular"     # KJ force evaluated at middle of bound vortices_vortexsheet also true)
include_trailingboundvortex = false         # Include trailing bound vortices in force calculations

include_unsteadyforce       = true          # Include unsteady force
add_unsteadyforce           = false         # Whether to add the unsteady force to Ftot or to simply output it

include_parasiticdrag       = true          # Include parasitic-drag force
add_skinfriction            = true          # If false, the parasitic drag is purely parasitic, meaning no skin friction
calc_cd_from_cl             = false         # Whether to calculate cd from cl or effective AOA
wing_polar_file             = "xf-n0012-il-500000-n5.csv"    # Airfoil polar for parasitic drag

# VPM solver
# vpm_integration = vpm.rungekutta3         # VPM temporal integration scheme
vpm_integration = vpm.euler

vpm_viscous     = vpm.Inviscid()            # VPM viscous diffusion scheme
# vpm_viscous   = vpm.CoreSpreading(-1, -1, vpm.zeta_fmm; beta=100.0, itmax=20, tol=1e-1)

# vpm_SFS       = vpm.SFS_none              # VPM LES subfilter-scale model
vpm_SFS         = vpm.DynamicSFS(vpm.Estr_fmm, vpm.pseudo3level_positive;
                                  alpha=0.999, maxC=1.0,
                                  controls=[vpm.control_directional, vpm.control_magnitude])

if VehicleType == uns.QVLMVehicle
    # Mute warnings regarding potential colinear vortex filaments. This is
    # needed since the quasi-steady solver will probe induced velocities at the
    # lifting line of the blade

# ----------------- 1) VEHICLE DEFINITION --------------------------------------
vehicle = generate_vahana_vehicle(; xfoil       = false,
                                    n_factor    = n_factor,
                                    add_wings   = add_wings,
                                    add_rotors  = add_rotors,
                                    VehicleType = VehicleType,
                                    run_name    = "vahana"

# ------------- 2) MANEUVER DEFINITION -----------------------------------------
maneuver = generate_maneuver_vahana(; add_rotors=add_rotors)

# Plot maneuver before running the simulation

# ------------- 3) SIMULATION DEFINITION ---------------------------------------
# Reference parameters
Vref = Vcruise                              # Reference velocity to scale maneuver by
RPMref = RPMh_w                             # Reference RPM to scale maneuver by

# Initial conditions
t0 = tstart/ttot*start_kinmaneuver          # Time at start of simulation
Vinit = Vref*maneuver.Vvehicle(t0)          # Initial vehicle velocity
Winit = pi/180 * (maneuver.anglevehicle(t0+1e-12)- maneuver.anglevehicle(t0))/(ttot*1e-12) # Initial angular velocity

# Define simulation
simulation = uns.Simulation(vehicle, maneuver, Vref, RPMref, ttot;
                                            Vinit=Vinit, Winit=Winit, t=tstart);

# Maximum number of particles (for pre-allocating memory)
max_particles = ceil(Int, (nsteps+2)*(2*vlm.get_m(vehicle.wake_system)*(p_per_step+1) + p_per_step) )
max_particles = tquit != Inf ? ceil(Int, max_particles*(tquit-tstart)/ttot) : max_particles
max_particles = min(10000000, max_particles)
max_particles = VehicleType==uns.QVLMVehicle ? 10000 : max_particles

# ------------- 4) MONITORS DEFINITIONS ----------------------------------------

# ------------- Routine for force calculation on wings
forces = []

# Calculate Kutta-Joukowski force
kuttajoukowski = uns.generate_aerodynamicforce_kuttajoukowski(KJforce_type,
                                sigma_vlm_surf, sigma_rotor_surf,
                                vlm_vortexsheet, vlm_vortexsheet_overlap,
push!(forces, kuttajoukowski)

# Force due to unsteady circulation
if include_unsteadyforce
    unsteady(args...; optargs...) = uns.calc_aerodynamicforce_unsteady(args...; add_to_Ftot=add_unsteadyforce, optargs...)

    push!(forces, unsteady)

# Parasatic-drag force (form drag and skin friction)
if include_parasiticdrag
    parasiticdrag = uns.generate_aerodynamicforce_parasiticdrag(wing_polar_file;
    push!(forces, parasiticdrag)

# Stitch all the forces into one function
function calc_aerodynamicforce_fun(vlm_system, args...; per_unit_span=false, optargs...)

    # Delete any previous force field
    fieldname = per_unit_span ? "ftot" : "Ftot"
    if fieldname in keys(vlm_system.sol)
        pop!(vlm_system.sol, fieldname)

    Ftot = nothing

    for force in forces
        Ftot = force(vlm_system, args...; per_unit_span=per_unit_span, optargs...)

    return Ftot

# Extra options for generation of wing monitors
wingmonitor_optargs = (

# ------------- Create monitors
monitors = generate_monitor_vahana(vehicle, rho, RPMref, nsteps,
                                         save_path, Vinf;

# ------------- INTERMEDIATE STEP BEFORE RUN ------------------------------------

# ------------- Define function for variable pitch

# Original blade twists
org_theta = [
                    deepcopy(rotor._theta) for (ri, rotor) in enumerate(rotors)
                for (si, rotors) in enumerate(simulation.vehicle.rotor_systems)

# End time of each stage
#  Stage 1: [0, t1]  -> Take off
#  Stage 2: [t1, t2] -> Transition
#  Stage 3: [t2, t3] -> Cruise
#  Stage 4: [t3, t4] -> Transition
#  Stage 5: [t4, 1]  -> Landing
t1, t2, t3, t4 = 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6

# Pitch at each stage
pitch_takeoff  = 0
pitch_cruise   = 35
pitch_landing  = 0

# Function for smoothly transitioning pitch between stages
collective(tstr) =  tstr < t1 ? pitch_takeoff :
                    tstr < t2 ? pitch_takeoff + (pitch_cruise-pitch_takeoff)*(tstr-t1)/(t2-t1) :
                    tstr < t3 ? pitch_cruise :
                    tstr < t4 ? pitch_cruise + (pitch_landing-pitch_cruise)*(tstr-t3)/(t4-t3) :

function variable_pitch(sim, args...; optargs...)

    if !use_variable_pitch
        return false

    tstr = sim.t/sim.ttot               # Non-dimensional time

    for (si, rotors) in enumerate(sim.vehicle.rotor_systems)
        for (ri, rotor) in enumerate(rotors)

            if si==1                            # Main wing rotors

                # Restore original twist distribution
                rotor._theta .=  org_theta[si][ri]

                # Add collective pitch
                rotor._theta .+= 1.0 * (-1)^(rotor.CW)*collective(tstr)

            elseif si==2                        # Stacked upper rotors

            elseif si==3                        # Stacked lower rotors

            elseif si==4                        # Tandem-wing rotors
                rotor._theta .=  org_theta[si][ri]
                rotor._theta .+= 1.25 * (-1)^(rotor.CW)*collective(tstr)



    return false

# ------------- Define wake treatment

# Remove by particle strength
# (remove particles neglibly faint, remove blown up)
rmv_strngth = 2*2/p_per_step * dt/(30/(4*5400))         # Reference strength
minmaxGamma = rmv_strngth*[0.0001, 0.05]                # Strength bounds (removes particles outside of these bounds)
wake_treatment_strength = uns.remove_particles_strength( minmaxGamma[1]^2, minmaxGamma[2]^2; every_nsteps=1)

# Remove by particle size
# (remove particle nearly singular, remove negligibly smeared)
minmaxsigma = sigma_vpm_overwrite*[0.1, 5]              # Size bounds (removes particles outside of these bounds)
wake_treatment_sigma = uns.remove_particles_sigma( minmaxsigma[1], minmaxsigma[2]; every_nsteps=1)

# Remove by distance
# (remove particles outside of the computational domain of interest, i.e., far from vehicle)
wake_treatment_sphere = uns.remove_particles_sphere((1.25*b)^2, 1; Xoff=[4.0, 0, 0])

# Concatenate all wake treatments
wake_treatment = uns.concatenate(wake_treatment_sphere, wake_treatment_strength, wake_treatment_sigma)

# ------------- Define runtime function: monitors + variable pitch + wake treatment
runtime_function = uns.concatenate(wake_treatment, monitors, variable_pitch)

# ------------- 5) RUN SIMULATION ----------------------------------------------
println("Running simulation...")

# Run simulation
uns.run_simulation(simulation, nsteps;
                    # ----- SIMULATION OPTIONS -------------
                    rho=rho, mu=mu, tquit=tquit,
                    # ----- SOLVERS OPTIONS ----------------
                    # ----- OUTPUT OPTIONS ------------------
                    save_wopwopin=true,  # <--- Generates input files for PSU-WOPWOP noise analysis