Vehicle types

UVLMVehicle{N, M, L, R}(system; tilting_systems, rotors_systems,
                                propulsion_systems, vlm_system, wake_system,

Type handling all geometries and subsystems that define a vehicle made out of FLOWVLM components (Wing, WingSystem, Rotor).


  • system::FLOWVLM.WingSystem: System of all FLOWVLM objects. This system is considered as the entire vehicle. Not all components in this system will be solved, but they will all be rotated and translated according to the maneuver.


  • tilting_systems::NTuple{N, FLOWVLM.WingSystem}: Tuple of all FLOWVLM tilting objects, where tilting_systems[i] contains the i-th FLOWVLM system of lifting surfaces and rotors that tilt together.
  • rotors_systems::NTuple{M, Array{vlm.Rotor}}: Tuple of groups of Rotors that share a common RPM.
  • propulsion_systems::NTuple{L, PropulsionSystem}: Tuple of propulsion systems.
  • vlm_system::FLOWVLM.WingSystem: System of all FLOWVLM objects to be solved through the VLM solver.
  • wake_system::FLOWVLM.WingSystem: System of all FLOWVLM objects that will shed a VPM wake.
  • panel_system::FLOWPanel.MultiBody: MultiBody object containing paneled bodies to be solved by FLOWPanel.
  • grids::Array{gt.GridTypes}: Array of grids that will be translated and rotated along with system.

State variables

  • V::Vector : Current vehicle velocity
  • W::Vector : Current vehicle angular velocity
  • prev_data::Array{Any} : Information about previous step
  • grid_O::Vector{Vector} : Origin of every grid
QVLMVehicle{N, M, L, R}(system; optargs...)

Same than FLOWUnsteady.UVLMVehicle but replacing the VPM wake with a semi-infinite rigid VLM wake, making the simulation quasi-ssteady.

NOTE: For the solver to work correctly, all components in wake_system (if any) need to be also components of vlm_system.

NOTE 2: It is recommended that wake_system doesn't include any Rotor object. Otherwise, blades will generate a wake going straight out of every blade trailing edge pointing oposite to the direction of rotation instead of generating a streamtube.
