Surface of Revolution Method

Following the concept of bodies of revolution where a contour is revolved around an axis, this method generates the surface of such revolution.


surface_revolution(profile, thetaNDIVS; loop_dim=0, axis_angle=0, low_a=0, up_a=360, save_path=nothing, paraview=true, file_name="myrev")

Receives a contour to revolve around an axis generating a surface of revolution.


  • profile::Array{Float64,2} : Contour to revolve. These are two- dimensional points in the YZ-plane that will get revolve around the Z-axis.
  • thetaNDIVS::Int64 : Number of angle-sections (cells) in the revolution.


  • loop_dim::Int64=0 : Whether to loop any dimension of the parametric grid.
  • axis_angle::Float64=0 : Tilting angle (deg) about the Z-axis to revolve the contour.
  • low_a::Float64=0 : Lower bound of angle (deg) of revolution.
  • up_a::Float64=0 : Upper bound of angle (deg) of revolution.

Node and Cell Indexing

Standard input:

  • Contour drawn in the $+y$ quadrants following the Selig airfoil format (starting at the trailing edge, progressing to the leading edge along the upper surface, and returning to the trailing edge along the lower surface).
  • The contour can be a closed curve describing the a toroidal cross section (as in the case of the duct), or an open contour along the $y=0$ axis describing the half surface of a cylindrical body of revolution (as in the case of the centerbody).

Following these guidelines, GeometricTools.surface_revolution returns a revolved quadrilateral surface with the following node and cell indexing pattern:

First Coordinate
Second Coordinate
Pic here Pic here

Node Index
Cell Index
Pic here Pic here

Cell (1, 1)
Cell (40, 1)
Cell (39, 2)
Pic here Pic here Pic here

OBSERVATION: The following examples show how to use the revolution method directly from the GeometricTools package. In order to use this grid in the definition of a body, the quadrilateral panels must by transformed into triangular panels through GeometricTools.GridTriangleSurface(orggrid, dimsplit).

Example — Rotor hub

First, we need a profile to revolve consisting of a collection of points. This can be predefined and read as a csv file (for example), or defined programmatically. Here we show how to define the contour programmatically:

import PyPlot as plt

Rhub = 0.375 * 0.02542        # (m) radius of hub
Rinn = Rhub / 2               # (m) inner hole radius
Rsec1 = Rinn                # (m) radius of first hole
Rsec2 = 3 / 1000              # (m) radius of second hole
Thub = Rhub                 # (m) thickness of hub
dsec1 = 3 / 1000              # (m) depth of first hole

Rfillet = 2 / 1000            # (m) Fillet radius
Nfillet = 30                # Points along fillet
Cfillet = [Rhub, Thub] .- Rfillet      # Center of fillet

points_fillet = [Cfillet .+ Rfillet * [sin(a), cos(a)]
                        for a in range(0, stop=pi/2, length=Nfillet)]

points = hcat(
              [Rsec2, Thub-dsec1],
              [Rsec1, Thub-dsec1],
              [Rsec1, Thub],
              [Rhub, 0],
              [Rsec1, 0],
              [Rsec1, dsec1],
              [Rsec2, dsec1],
              [Rsec2, Thub-dsec1]

x = [points[i,1] for i in 1:size(points,1)]
y = [points[i,2] for i in 1:size(points,1)]

plt.plot(x,y, "--ok")
plt.plot([Cfillet[1]], [Cfillet[2]], "xr")
plt.xlim([0, Rhub*1.25])
plt.ylim([-Rhub*0.125, Rhub*1.125]);

plt.savefig(joinpath(img_path, "geometry-hubcontour00.png"), transparent=true, dpi=300)
Vid here
import FLOWPanel as pnl

save_path = "./"
file_name = "hub00"

thetaNDIVS = 180          # Number of angular sections
loop_dim = 1             # Loops the parametric grid

# Creates body of revolution
grid =, thetaNDIVS; loop_dim=loop_dim)

# Save vtk and call paraview, file_name; path=save_path, format="vtk")

run(`paraview --data=$(joinpath(save_path, file_name)).vtk`)
Vid here

Example — Tilted revolution

By using the optional argument axis_angle we can tilt the angle about which to do the revolution. To exemplify this, using the previous contour we will tilting the axis by $90^\circ$ about the $z$-axis, resulting in a revolution about the $y$-axis:

axis_angle = 90          # Axis tilting

grid =, thetaNDIVS;

# Save vtk and call paraview, file_name; path=save_path, format="vtk")

run(`paraview --data=$(joinpath(save_path, file_name)).vtk`)
Vid here

And here is what we get by tilting the axis by $45^\circ$ about the $z$-axis:

axis_angle = 45          # Axis tilting

grid =, thetaNDIVS;

# Save vtk and call paraview, file_name; path=save_path, format="vtk")

run(`paraview --data=$(joinpath(save_path, file_name)).vtk`)
Vid here

Example — Incomplete revolution

Using the arguments low_a and up_a we can set the lower and upper bound angles of the revolution to create an incomplete body of revolution:

thetaNDIVS = 45          # Number of angular sections
loop_dim = 1             # Loops the parametric grid
low_a = -45              # Lower bound of revolution angle
up_a = 45                # Upper bound of revolution angle

grid =, thetaNDIVS;
                                    low_a=low_a, up_a=up_a)

# Save vtk and call paraview, file_name; path=save_path, format="vtk")

run(`paraview --data=$(joinpath(save_path, file_name)).vtk`)
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