Space Transformations

A Cartesian grid can be used as the starting point to define a more complex structured grid through any arbitrary non-linear transformation:


transform!(grid::Grid, f)

Applies the space transformation given by function f to the grid, where the position of every node is given to the function f.


lintransform!(grid::Grid, M::Array{Float64,2}, T::Array{Float64,1})

Rotates and translates the grid by the rotation matrix M and translation vector T (linear transformation).

GeometricTools provides the following non-linear orthogonal space transformations: cylindrical3D(X), cylindrical2D(X), spherical3D(X), parabolic3D(X), paraboloidal3D(X), elliptic3D(X; a=1), prolate3D(X; a=1), oblate3D(X; a=1), bipolar3D(X; a=1), toroidal3D(X; a=1), and conical3D(X; b=2, c=1).

For linear transformations, rotation_matrix(yaw::Real, pitch::Real, roll::Real) returns the rotation matrix of such angles, and axis_rotation(r::Array{Float64, 1}, angle_deg::Float64) returns the transformation matrix of rotation around an arbitrary axis of unit vector r.

The user can also define an arbitrary space transformation. The airfoil example in the Looped Grid section shows the example of transforming a quasi-one-dimensional line into an two-dimensional airfoil contour.

Example — 2D circular grid

To demonstrate the use of space transformations, in this example we generate a two-dimensional circular grid. First we define the boundaries of the circular section $r_\text{min}, r_\text{max}, \theta_\text{min}, \theta_\text{max}$ as a cartesian grid of minimum and maximum bounds $P_\text{min}=(r_\text{min}, \theta_\text{min})$ and $P_\text{max}=(r_\text{max}, \theta_\text{max})$, respectively. We then applying a cylindrical transformation on the grid. The cylindrical transformation takes the current $x,y$ coordinates of the grid as $r,\theta$ for the new grid. In this case, $r_\text{min}=R/4$, $r_\text{max}=R$, $\theta_\text{min}=0^\circ$, $\theta_\text{max}=270^\circ$, as shown below.

import GeometricTools as gt

file_name = "circulargrid00"                # Output file
paraview = true                             # Whether to visualize the grid in Paraview

R = 1.0                   # Radius of circle

P_min = [R/4, 0*pi/180]   # Lower boundaries r, theta
P_max = [R, 270*pi/180]   # Upper boundaries r, theta

NDIVS = [15, 60]          # 15 radius divisions, 60 angle divisions

# Generate the Cartesian grid
grid = gt.Grid(P_min, P_max, NDIVS)

# Convert grid to cylindrical
gt.transform!(grid, gt.cylindrical2D)

# Visualization
if paraview

    # Output a vtk file, file_name; format="vtk")

    # Call paraview
    run(`paraview --data=$file_name.vtk`)

    # Use PyPlot instead of Paraview
    gt.plot(grid; labelnodes=!true, labelcells=!true, labelndivs=true)
Pic here

Notice that NDIVS can still be used to defined sections of refinement:

import GeometricTools as gt

file_name = "circulargrid01"                # Output file
paraview = true                             # Whether to visualize the grid in Paraview

NDIVS = [   # r sections
            [(1.0, 15, 5.0, true)],
            # theta sections
            [(1/3, 15, 1/3, false),
             (1/3, 15, 3.0, true),
             (1/3, 15, 3.0, false)]

# Generates the grid as cartesian
grid = gt.Grid(P_min, P_max, NDIVS)

# Converts to cylindrical
gt.transform!(grid, gt.cylindrical2D)

# Visualization
if paraview

    # Outputs a vtk file, file_name; format="vtk")

    # Calls paraview
    run(`paraview --data=$file_name.vtk`)
    # Use PyPlot instead of Paraview
    gt.plot(grid; labelnodes=!true, labelcells=!true, labelndivs=true)
Pic here