Export Trailing Edge

For each trailing edge in the mesh we need to generate a collection of ordered points that we can use to recognize such edge in the .msh file. We will use Gmsh to process the STEP file with NURBS and create such lines of points along each trailing edge:

  1. Import STEP file

    • File > Merge
  2. Set discretization settings

    • Set size factor to something small: Tools > Options > Mesh > General > Element size factor > 0.01


Then for each trailing edge:

  1. Create physical group with the TE curve

    • Make sure that geometric curves are visible: Tools > Options > Geometry > Visibility > ✓ Curves
    • Create physical group: Modules > Geometry > Physical Groups > Add > Curve
    • Select the curve that define the trailing edge


  2. Discretize the TE:

    • Modules > Mesh > 1D
  3. (Optional) Verify discretization

    • Make nodes visible: Tools > Options > Mesh > Visibility > ✓ Nodes
    • Zoom into the trailing edge and visually confirm that the line is finelly discretized


    • Hide nodes (otherwise you won't be able to select other curves in steps 1 and 5): Tools > Options > Mesh > Visibility > □ Nodes
  4. Export discretized curve as .msh in ASCII format v4: File > Export and select Mesh - Gmsh MSH (*.msh) in the dropdown menu

  5. Delete physical group

    • Modules > Geometry > Physical Groups > Remove > Curve
    • Select the curve that we just exported

Repeat steps 1 through 5 for each trailing edge.

Trailing Edge Files