You will grade your own homework using the solutions and rubric provided. The grader will spot check certain problems to help ensure grading is applied appropriately and consistently, and to provide feedback on things where more experience is required (i.e., Star-CCM).
Each homework is due Wednesday before midnight. Solutions will then be posted and you will then have two days to grade your homework (due Friday before midnight). You will receive 5 points for grading your work, reading the solutions, and reworking/learning anything you missed. This is part of your homework score. In order to receive the grading credit you must rework/review/etc. the parts you missed until you understand. You do not need to rework entire problems from the beginning, just the parts you missed. You must also read through all of the solutions even if you got everything right. Seeing other ways of solving problems or other ways of presenting solutions is instructive.
Each rubric lists the things you need to submit in your grading report. The grader will then enter your scores after applying deductions for late submissions, and possibly making adjustments for problems he/she evaluated independently. If any adjustments were made the grader will provide feedback to you via Learning Suite.