AOA Sweep

Using the wing defined in the previous section, we now sweep the angle of attack.

AOAs = [0, 2.1, 4.2, 6.3, 8.4, 10.5, 12, 14, 16] # (deg) angles of attack
Xac = [0.0*b/ar, 0, 0]                 # (m) aerodynamic center for moment calculation

# Results are stored in these arrays
Ls, Ds = [], []                         # Lift and drag at each angle of attack
Lhats, Dhats = [], []                   # Direction of lift and drag at each AOA

rolls, pitchs, yaws = [], [], []        # Rolling, pitching, and yawing moment
lhats, mhats, nhats = [], [], []        # Direction of roll, pitch, and yaw

ls, ds = [], []                         # Load and drag distributions
spanposs = []                           # Spanwise positions for load distributions

# ----------------- AOA SWEEP --------------------------------------------------
for AOA in AOAs

    Vinf = magVinf*[cos(AOA*pi/180), 0, sin(AOA*pi/180)] # Freestream

    # ----------------- CALL SOLVER --------------------------------------------
    # Freestream at every control point
    Uinfs = repeat(Vinf, 1, body.ncells)
    Das = repeat(Vinf/magVinf, 1, body.nsheddings)
    Dbs = repeat(Vinf/magVinf, 1, body.nsheddings)

    # Solve body
    @time pnl.solve(body, Uinfs, Das, Dbs)

    # ----------------- POST PROCESSING ----------------------------------------
    # Calculate velocity away from the body
    Us = pnl.calcfield_U(body, body; characteristiclength=(args...)->b/ar)

    # Calculate surface velocity U_∇μ due to the gradient of the doublet strength
    UDeltaGamma = pnl.calcfield_Ugradmu(body)

    # Add both velocities together
    pnl.addfields(body, "Ugradmu", "U")

    # Calculate pressure coeffiecient
    Cps = pnl.calcfield_Cp(body, magVinf)

    # Calculate the force of each panel
    Fs = pnl.calcfield_F(body, magVinf, rho)

    # Integrated force decomposed into lift and drag
    Dhat = Vinf/pnl.norm(Vinf)    # Drag direction
    Shat = [0, 1, 0]              # Span direction
    Lhat = pnl.cross(Dhat, Shat)  # Lift direction

    LDS = pnl.calcfield_LDS(body, Lhat, Dhat, Shat)

    L = LDS[:, 1]
    D = LDS[:, 2]

    push!(Ls, L)
    push!(Ds, D)
    push!(Lhats, Lhat)
    push!(Dhats, Dhat)

    # Integrated moment decomposed into rolling, pitching, and yawing moments
    lhat = Dhat                   # Rolling direction
    mhat = Shat                   # Pitching direction
    nhat = Lhat                   # Yawing direction

    lmn = pnl.calcfield_lmn(body, Xac, lhat, mhat, nhat)
    roll, pitch, yaw = collect(eachcol(lmn))

    push!(rolls, roll)
    push!(pitchs, pitch)
    push!(yaws, yaw)
    push!(lhats, lhat)
    push!(mhats, mhat)
    push!(nhats, nhat)

    # Calculate loading distribution
    fs, spanpos = pnl.calcfield_sectionalforce(wing_right; spandirection=[0, 1, 0])
    lds = pnl.decompose(fs, Lhat, Dhat)

    l = lds[1, :]
    d = lds[2, :]

    push!(spanposs, spanpos)
    push!(ls, l)
    push!(ds, d)

(see the complete example under examples/sweptwing_aoasweep.jl to see how to postprocess the solution as plotted here below)

Spanwise loading distribution Pic here

Lift and induced drag Pic here

Pitching moment
Pic here

You can also automatically run this example and generate these plots with the following command:

import FLOWPanel as pnl

include(joinpath(pnl.examples_path, "sweptwing.jl"))
include(joinpath(pnl.examples_path, "sweptwing_aoasweep.jl"))