Fluid Domain
The previous script uses the flag fluiddomain
to indicate whether to generate the fluid domain around the duct or not. When fluiddomain=true
, the fluid domain is generated through the function call generate_fluiddomain(body, AOA, Vinf, d, aspectratio, save_path)
, which creates a grid around the duct where the velocity, pressure, and potential field are probed. This grid is then saved as an XDMF file that can be visualized in Paraview.
is defined under examples/duct_postprocessing.jl as follows:
function generate_fluiddomain(body, AOA, Vinf, d, aspectratio, save_path;
halfdomain=false, # Whether to cover only one side of the duct
if verbose; println("\t"^(v_lvl)*"Generating fluid domain..."); end;
# ---------------- GENERATE FLUID DOMAIN GRID ------------------------------
# Bounds of grid
Pmax = d*[aspectratio*1.5, aspectratio*0.005, 0.5*1.35] # Upper bound
Pmin = d*[-aspectratio*0.35, -Pmax[2], -Pmax[3]] # Lower bound
halfdomain ? Pmin[3] = 0 : nothing
# Grid discretization
dx = 0.005*d*aspectratio # Cell size
dy, dz = dx, dx
NDIVS = ceil.(Int, (Pmax .- Pmin) ./ [dx, dy, dz]) # Divisions in each dimension
# Generate grid
@time grid = pnl.gt.Grid(Pmin, Pmax, NDIVS) # Grid
if verbose; println("\t"^(v_lvl+1)*"Grid size:\t\t$(NDIVS)"); end;
if verbose; println("\t"^(v_lvl+1)*"Number of nodes :\t$(grid.nnodes)"); end;
# Translate and rotate grid to align with freestream
O = zeros(3)
Oaxis = pnl.gt.rotation_matrix2(0, AOA, 0)
pnl.gt.lintransform!(grid, Oaxis, O)
# Targets where to probe the velocity
targets = grid.nodes
ntargets = size(targets, 2)
# Array where to store potential and velocity
phis = zeros(ntargets)
Us = repeat(Vinf, 1, ntargets)
# Calculate potential and velocity fields
@time pnl.phi!(body, targets, phis)
@time pnl.Uind!(body, targets, Us)
# Save fields
pnl.gt.add_field(grid, "phi", "scalar", phis, "node")
pnl.gt.add_field(grid, "U", "vector", collect(eachcol(Us)), "node")
# Output fluid domain
@time vtks = pnl.gt.save(grid, gridname; path=save_path, num=num)
return vtks
The fluid domain can be processed to visualize streamlines and contours of velocity/pressure/potential fields as shown below (the Paraview state that generated these images is available here: LINK <- right click and "save as")